Chapter 67

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-Poppy's POV-

So far, my pregnancy has been super stressful and just not pleasant. Why you're probably wondering? I will tell you why:

1. My parents are getting a divorce.
2. I'm having a completely unplanned pregnancy with my boyfriend.
3. I'm not married, I didn't expect to have a baby when i'm not married.
4. I'm not speaking with my sister or father, only my mother.
5. I have horrible morning sickness everyday and just utterly horrible food sensitivities.
6. My whole body is sore all the time.
7. On top of it all, I have to support Oliver and I's relationship along with going to work everyday.

So yeah, this pregnancy has been horrible so far. Plus, since it's spring, the rain has started to pour. I hate the rain.

"How's my lovely girlfriend today? Ready for our very first sonogram?!" Oliver greeted me with cheerfulness in his voice. It was 7 o'clock in the morning and i'm already not feeling it.

"Well, to be completely honest. I feel like shit and I don't care right now about anything. I thought pregnancy would feel better than this but so far it's just unpleasant and annoying." I complained, reaching into the fridge and grabbing my watermelon cubes in a plastic bin, my yogurt and my pickles to bring with me for my lunch.

I then reached for my orange juice and walked over to the cabinet to grab a glass. "Well i'm positive it will get better babe. How about you take the day off today and just relax, watch some movies and maybe call Dawn or Isabella to come massage your feet or give you a spa treatment. You always tell me how much you love that. I would, but I have to get going to work."

"They are both working today." I told him, pouring the juice into my large cup.

"Why don't you call your mother? She will be happy to do it since she's retired now. Plus, my love, she misses you." My boyfriend rubbed my back softly with his hands as I sipped my orange juice.

I handed him the orange juice container to pack back into the fridge. "I really don't feel like seeing my mother."

"Why? I thought you're talking to her but not your dad." He grabbed it from me and placed it on the top rack of our fridge before shutting the door.

"I am, I just need space from them."

"Seems like you need all the support you can get right about now."

"That's why I have you silly." I giggled.

My boyfriend sighed and smiled, then placed a kiss on my cheek. "Alright, I will come fetch you at 5pm and we will go see Dr.Manala."

I nodded, sipping my drink as he gathered his things for work and walking towards the front door.

"It's hilarious that we have the same doctor as your sister, don't you think?"

"Yeah, have a good day. Love you."

"Love you too darling."

I called in sick to work, letting my assistant take over all my work while I watched movies all day and ate popcorn. I only threw up once due to morning sickness which is a step up, as I usually throw up more often.

My mother said Olivia doesn't get that bad morning sickness, she is lucky.

Oliver suggested that I call my mother over to spend the day with me but I just didn't feel like it. She is always super happy unless she is in a bad mood and today my mood is not good. I don't need to be surrounded by peppy people.

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