Chapter 32

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The last four days of our trip was amazing;we went on a hike, swam with the dolphins, had beach days. I'm totally not going to miss the 17 hour flights. Jake laughed when I told him that on the plane yesterday. Yes, we're all back home and we totally miss Honolulu.


That is the word that would explain how I feel right now. Jake and I just finished telling his parents and Patrick that we're engaged and they were thrilled. His mother however was a bit more worried about how long we have been dating. We have been dating for 7 months and took a break for about three months long but missed each other the whole time so basically we have been dating for a year.

If you count those three months...

Without the months we have been dating for 7 months and that's not bad, we love each other and haven't you seen the Bachelorette? They date for about two months or something and get engaged!

Next we decided to visit my parents tonight to tell them about the exciting news, I love this feeling. Feeling of having something to tell everybody, the feeling of the hole being filled. What hole? Ya you're probably wondering that.

Ever since I started dating Jake I felt like there was something we needed to do to fill it. Falling in love filled some of it up, making love filled some of it up and now being engaged it is overflowing.

-Jake's POV-

We told my parents the news: check✔️
We told Poppy and Oliver: check✔️
We told some of our family and friends on Facebook: check✔️

We need to tell Olivia's parents, both of our family and friends. We're telling her parents tonight at dessert and tea. And the rest of the family will find out from the parents. Thankfully both our parents and siblings don't have Facebook so they wouldn't know about everything, letting us surprise them.

"You seem happy bro." My friend Jackson from work told me, smiling as we walked down the halls of the hospital. "Probably cause I am man."

"And why's that?" We turned a corner.

"I'm engaged." I told him, making him stop dead in his tracks.

"What?!" He held my shoulders. "That's amazing! I'm so happy for you two." I smiled and thanked him as we began walking again.

"I have been with Hanna for what? 4 years and it has been awesome. Except the bad parts are the bills and work, good thing you have a lot of vacation days bro."

I nodded, listening on his tips for marriage as we sat down in the lunch room of the hospital, taking our lunches from the fridge and eating.

I could sure do with some advice.

-Olivia's POV-

Jake and I held hands as we walked up the front steps of my parents house. I reached out to ring the doorbell and heard their dog bark, last time he wasn't here because he was at my mom's friends house but finally I get to see my childhood dog for the first time in months.

I hadn't seen my parents in person since that night Jake met them which was super long ago.

"Liv my darling." My dad opened the door, reaching out to hug me. I smiled and patted his back, trying to hide my left hand. "Jake, lovely to see you." He added and gestured for the two of us to come inside. "You too Mr. Williams."

"Liv! Honey how was your vacation?" My mom asked as the four of us sat down in the lounge together.

"It was amazing! We had a beach house right on the beach literally and we went swimming with dolphins, hiking, to the spa, had beach days!"

"Sounds like you lot had a fantastic time!" My dad smiled.

"We did." Jake laughed.

"There is something else that happened on the amazing trip..."

"What?" She looked at both of us for answers, forming a smile.

I held out my left hand in front of them. "We're engaged!" Jake and I said simultaneously.

My mother gasped, beginning to cry and my dad just smiled. "This is incredible!!" My mom jumped up from the couch and hugged the both of us tightly, then examined my ring closer.

"My baby is engaged!"

I smiled widely and looked over at my dad he just sat there with a wide grin. "Not surprised?" I asked him.

My mom turned around and looked at him along with Jake. "I asked for his blessing before I asked you to marry me." Jake said out of the blue.

My eyes widened and then I smiled as my dad walked over to give me a hug and then Jake one.

"I'm so excited!" My mom cried out, we all laughed. "When are you starting to plan the wedding?"

"Well." I looked over to Jake beside we as we held hands. "We're not planning a super long engagement, so soon." I smiled at her.

"Now, how about I dig up all my wedding planning books."

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