Chapter 30

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A.N: Seeing from the photo above, yep you guessed it. Enjoy this chapter in Jake's POV. ;)

I woke up before her this morning for once, I smiled as I saw her head on the pillow. She breathed in deeply and exhaled afterward. Getting up, I tried not to wake the beautiful queen laying in the bed.

Today was something special, I'm planning on proposing to Olivia. Yeah it seems a bit early but it's been a year...sorta. Well who am I kidding, it is early. But why would that matter if we're both in love, practically joined at the hip?

I walked out of our bedroom, shutting the door as quiet as possible and walked into the kitchen. I boiled the kettle and grabbed an apple, slicing it in pieces.

I looked outside as the sun began to rise. Today had to be special, which is why I needed Poppy and Oliver's help.

I placed the apple slices on a plate and walked outside through the doors in the living room. I stepped on the sand with my bare feet. Still in pj shorts and no shirt, I sat on a lounge chair.

I watched the waves crash onto the beach and watched the birds fly. It was cloudy today, not the most beautifulest of days but today was beautiful in itself, if Olivia says yes then it will be the start of a new chapter. I ate my apple pieces while scrolling through my phone contacts. I pressed on Olivia's dad's name and got up, walking away from the beach house and down the beach.

It rang as I walked slowly. "Hello?" Her dad said on the other end. It was 7am here which meant it was 8pm there.

"Hi Mr.Williams." I spoke.

"Hello Jake how can I help ya." He laughed.

"Well today's a very special day and I was wondering..."


"If I had your blessing to propose to Olivia."

The other line went silent for a minute.

"Of course Jake this is wonderful news! You two are in love right? So why not?"

I smiled. "Thank you we will FaceTime you after the time comes."

"Alright, send me a picture of the ring!" He added, then hung up.

I pulled the ring out of my pocket and grabbed a clean shell off of the beach, placing the ring inside and taking a photo to send to Mr.Williams.

Today would be a great day, if she says yes.

"Ew look at this weather." Poppy moaned, coming out of her room with Oliver. I hushed them as Olivia was still asleep.

"Why are we being shushed??" Oliver asked, rubbing his eyes.

"I need a favour, get dressed silently and meet me outside." I whispered.

They went back in the room to change while I phoned the lobby to bring breakfast but knock on the door quietly.

I then walked outside, this time with my flip flops and waited for Oliver and his girlfriend.

"What is going on?" Poppy asked after 20 minutes of me waiting.

We stood at the edge of the beach, so Olivia couldn't hear.

"I'm proposing to Olivia and I need your help." I smiled, saying softly.

Their eyes widened and Poppy jumped up in joy, hugging me tightly. "This is amazing!" She said, whisper-shouting.

"Yeah of course mate what can we do?!" Oliver added.

"Well Poppy, you need to take Liv for a manicure and pedicure while Oliver and I 'go to the market' and buy some fruit." I said with air quotes.

"Yes of course, when and until what time?"

"At 1pm I have reserved an appointment at the hotel spa. It will finish at 3pm because I added a massage and wax. Whatever they will do." I shrugged.

Poppy laughed and nodded.

"And Oliver." I pointed at him. "We are going to set up the beach with a red carpet and rose petals and a gazebo."

Oliver nodded.

"This is it guys."


"Morning sleepyhead!" I laughed as Olivia came out of the room in her pjs at 10am.

"Hi guys, you're all up." She smiled and walked back into the room to go to the bathroom.

Poppy looked over at me from the kitchen and winked, making me regret my decision of telling them the plan. I rolled my eyes and started eating the free breakfast from the hotel.

"4 more days left." Oliver pouted before shoving toast in his mouth like a starving animal.

"Ugh that sucks." Poppy commented, coming to sit down with us.

"Well at least we have four days, make the best of it." I said.

Liv came out of the bathroom, dressed in a peach dress and sandals. She came and sat with us at the table, dishing her food onto her plate.

"Morning beautiful." I smiled at her across the table.

"Morning." She laughed.

"Guess what?!" Poppy said, making my heart race.

"We get to go swimming with dolphins?!" Olivia hoped.

"Better! You and I are having a spa day while the guys go shopping!" Poppy clapped her hands together like an excited teenage girl.

"Ahh yes, I need that." Olivia smiled widely. "What are you boys going to buy?"

Oliver looked at me for answers. "Um watches or you know um food? We always need food right?" Oliver spoke.

Olivia laughed, confused.

"Anything really." I added. She nodded and continued eating along with the three of us.

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