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The alarm clock was bleeping loudly pulling me out of my strange dreams

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The alarm clock was bleeping loudly pulling me out of my strange dreams. I didn't know why, but the last few months I have continuously been dreaming of strange people and places, unknown to me. I haven't told anybody though.

I got off my bed and headed straight to the bathroom. I was definitely in need of a shower, as I was sweaty after another difficult night. Once I was done, I went downstairs to have breakfast. My grandmother was already awake making some tea. Chamomile, judging by the smell.

"Morning Granny!"

"Good morning honey! How was your sleep?"

"It was ok."I say trying to keep a straight face. Of course, she didn't believe me. "Why, you don't believe me?" I said in a sarcastic tone.

"Of course honey. I just think you were talking in your sleep."

"Was I?" She shrugged and turned her back to me, putting some dishes in the dishwasher.


"Yes, please." Manners above all, according to my Granny.

"Here you go."

"Thanks. Has any piece of cake left?"

"No, darling. I'm afraid you ate it all last night".

"Damn..." I murmured...

"Cassandra!!!!" She scolded me.

"Sorry, Granny..." Let's just say she didn't like bad words.

"It's time to leave; otherwise you'll be late for school".

"Oh my God, you are right!" I exclaimed looking at the time. I got up immediately and grabbed my bag.

"Bye!" I said giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Goodbye, honey!!! Have a nice day!!!" I heard her saying, while I was exiting the house.

I started to walk. Yes, you heard right. WALK. Most people would probably think I'm insane, but walking helps me clear my mind. Which is very important, after a terrible night full of nightmares. But, I forgot to introduce myself!

I'm Cassandra Marie Christa Gold and I leave with my grandmother in a small town, named Mystic Falls. My mother died giving birth to me and my father couldn't bear living without her, so he decided to put an end in his life. She brought me up, giving me all the love I lacked, due to my parents' death. I'm sixteen and a half and I'm a bit short with red curled hair and blue eyes. I tend to be the 'good' child in school. I have quite high grades. My best friends are Elena, Bonnie and Caroline. We've known each other since kindergarten. But, my life has been so...plain for so long. I think I need a change... Which, will never gonna happen when you live in this small town.

So I'm Cassandra Gold and welcome to my ordinary life in Mystic Falls!

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