Chapter 42

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I woke up in an unfamiliar room. Where am I? I wondered, before remembering what happened yesterday. Oh God! Now Elijah would be sure about what I was. But, to be honest, I didn't really care. The pain in my head, eyes and stomach had disappeared, leaving me only with dizziness. I sighed...

I stood up from the bed and went to the window to see where I was. Surprised, I realized I was still in the Salvatore house. I doubted Damon had taken care of me, after I fainted. Then who did? Stefan was with Elena at the lake house. I was confused. I needed to wash my face to fully wake up. There was a small bathroom and right across from the door was a mirror. I looked myself at it and I had to admit I was looking better than I remembere

I washed my face, took my car keys which were on the bedside table and exited the room. I moved along the hall and right before I reach the exit, Damon was in front of me.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty." That confirmed to me that Damon wasn't the one to help me last night,

"Please, Damon, I'm not in the mood." I said trying to ignore him and reach the door again. But, he was too persistent. He came in front of me again, preventing me from doing so. "What is it Damon?" I asked him annoyed.

"We should have a talk."


"Yes, now." He said and made his way to the living room, expecting me to follow him. I did follow him, however, as I wanted to get out of this place as soon as possible.

"So what do you want to talk about?"

"I'll be straight."

"Go ahead. Because, I have some other things to do today, you know."

"Like what? Meeting with Elijah?" I was taken aback by his question.

"I don't get you..."

"Well, I shall make the question more particular. What's going on between you and Elijah?"

"What's going on?"

"Look, I'm not in the mood for games. Answer me."

"I don't understand what you are talking about. What could be going on between me and Elijah?"

"After you passed out yesterday, he carried you in one of our bedrooms and didn't left until he was sure you were ok." I didn't say anything. So, Elijah had helped me... "You should see the way he was looking at you." Damon continued.

"How he was looking at me?"

"I don't know, like some blind lover boy! What's going on with you two? Are you still on our side or not?"

"Why didn't you ask me that earlier?" Seeing the look he was giving me, I decided to give him the reply he wanted. "Look nothing is going on between me and Elijah. I want to make that clear. And under no circumstances I would give up your side. Elena is my friend. I would never betray her. Besides, I wouldn't join Elijah even if there was indeed something between us. He wants to give my friend to a psycho who wants to sacrifice her. That's quite a good reason to dislike him, if not hating him. Am I clear?"

"Yes. You knew that Elena was going to be sacrificed anyways, despite her deal with Elijah?"

"Elijah didn't say anything about Elena. He only promised to protect her friends and family. He was very careful with his words. Anything else you want to ask?" He didn't answer immediately.

"Have you seen any vision about..."

"Elena?" I finished his question. He nodded.

"No I haven't."

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