Chapter 109

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A few months later...

 A few months later

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Music everywhere. People everywhere. Vampires everywhere. This city was pretty damn crowded. And yet, so enchanting. Where were the drinks though? New Orleans was nothing without its drinks. I went inside the first bar I came across. It was rather crowded as well, considering it was still noon. A black guy was singing on the floor and the crowd cheered enthusiastically. I rolled my eyes. Such human satisfactions were quite indifferent to me. Although, I had to admit he was a pretty good singer.

"A scotch on the rocks." I ordered sitting to the bar.

The song was over and the crowd cheered again loudly. In the mean time my drink had arrived.

"Can I help you?" I questioned, feeling people circle me.

"Are you new in the town? I've never seen you around before." The black guy who was previously singing said from beside me.

"Brand new." I replied sarcastically, turning to face him. He reminded me of a cat. "Is this your way of welcoming the newcomers?" I asked pointing at the group of people around me.

"Don't misunderstand the guys. We are just very protective of our own." He replied eyeing my talismans.

"Oh..." I realized. "Don't worry about that. I don't know if you believe me or not, but I'm not here for what you are suspecting. I'm coming peacefully." He thought about it for a minute. "These are just for self-defence." I explained trying to reassure the guy about my honourable intentions.

"If that's so... Then you are officially welcomed to New Orleans!" He announced loudly, with the crowd's cheering following. Seriously, had he compelled the crowd? "I'm Marcel, the leader of the French Quarter."

He introduced himself offering me his hand. I looked at it for a second and then took it, not wanting to offend him. You never know with vampires. Their mood changes like the temperature in the dessert.

"Sorry, I didn't catch your name. You are..." He left his sentence unfinished waiting for me to complete it. Who I really was? I thought about it for a moment, before replying.


Author's Note: So.... what do you think????

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