Chapter 76

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"Elijah!" I screamed waking up.

I sighed loudly. Once again he had invaded my dreams. It happened more and more often. I should be concerned. This time, he didn't talk to me. He was just sitting in a corner observing me and ignoring my begging to leave me alone. But, his look... I don't know. He looked in pain. And that made me feel in pain too. And I absolutely hated it.

The sun hadn't risen yet, but I couldn't get back to sleep. So, I stayed in my bed. Millions of thoughts were crossing my mind, but I couldn't reach a conclusion. The mystery of Elijah Mikaelson still remained unsolved. My phone rang and only then I realized it was bright and sunny out there. I picked up my phone without seeing who was calling.

"Hello?" I said in a sleepy voice.

"Hey, Cassie. It's me, Elena."

"Good morning to you too, Elena. To what do I owe the honour?"

"Are you ok?" She asked concerned.

"Yes, I'm sorry. Bad dreams." "No visions." I added quickly.

"Ok... Do you want to talk about it?"

"Well, it's the same all the time. It seems that the Original bastard we all know and hate can't do without torturing me, even if he is dead. Or kind of dead."

"Oh..." She just said.

"So why did you call me again?"

"It has to do with... Elijah." She hesitated saying his name. "And the Original family in general." She added quickly.

"Keep talking."

"Alaric and Damon found something that might give as a hint on how to kill Klaus."

"Ok. What is it?"

"I don't know. I haven't seen it. But, I'm going right now with Alaric to see it. Would you like to join?"

"Yeah, sure. Why not?"

"See you in ten." She said hanging up.

"Wait, what?" I called out in a dead phone.

Weirdly, I managed to be ready when Elena arrived. I got in the back of the car and my bad mood was obvious.

"That bad, eh?" Elena asked seeing me.

"You have no idea." I moaned. The drive was silent and a bit awkward. We arrived at our destination a few minutes later. "Why are we at the old Lockwood property?" I asked confused.

"You'll see." Alaric replied.

"What is this cave?" I wondered out loud when Alaric led us into the entrance of a spooky cave. I got no reply. It turned out to be a long, long tunnel.

"Be careful where you light that thing, bats hate the light." Alaric warned once we were inside.

"What?" I half-yelled. I hated bats... Elena made the same question.

"Elena..." A soft whisper was heard from behind us. When Elena turned to see what it was, Damon turned up out of the blue scaring her to death. I groaned. What a childish behaviour!

"Ignore him. That's what I do." Alaric advised.

"Same goes for me." I said turning my back at Damon and following Alaric.

"Do you really can't get in the cave?" Elena asked Damon.

"No. It seems ancient Lockwoods were anti-vampire."

"What do you mean ancient?" I asked. Elena nodded agreeing with me.

"See for yourself. This is as far as I can go." Damon said leading as to the entrance of another cave.

Foreseen [An Elijah Mikaelson Love Story]Where stories live. Discover now