Chapter 48

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"Who is coming?" Caroline asked me for the thousandth time.

"For the thousandth time, I said you'll see!!!"

We got in the Grill, were a big crowd was by the stage cheering, dancing and enjoying the music. There were indeed a lot of people there, but it wasn't hard for me to spot the familiar tall person, with the black hair and the identical blue eyes.

"Alexander!!!!!!!!" I exclaimed and jumped into his open arms. He hugged me tightly. "What a surprise!!!" I said after he released me.

"Did I do well?" He asked me, his eyes sparkling from happiness.

"Yes, you did." I admitted. I turned around to face the others who were looking at us surprised, but even more curious.

"Alexander, here is my friends Elena, Bonnie, Caroline and Jena. Guys, here is Alexander, a great friend of mine." I said smiling at him.

"Pleasure." Alexander said, smiling broadly at them. They replied with the same excitement.

"So what are we doing now?" Alexander asked putting his arm around my shoulders. I smiled at him.

Soon enough we had blended with the crowd, singing and dancing. Matt passed in front of us, but ignored Caroline who smiled and greeted him.

"What's wrong with the guy?" Alexander asked me, having his hands around my waist.

"Nothing, just you know, problems between couples." I replied.

"Is he blind?" He questioned. I smiled, knowing Caroline had heard of that. The song the band was playing ended and suddenly Caroline disappeared in the crowd, handing her jacket to Elena.

"What is she doing?" I asked Bonnie and Elena. They shrugged, not having any answer to give me. Then, Caroline appeared on the stage, grabbing the microphone.

"Hey everybody!" She said enthusiastically. The members of the band seemed to be at a loss.

"Let's cheer for the band!" She said and the crowd mimicked her. "Weren't they awesome?" She continued.

"This is not going to end well." Jena stated drinking another shot of tequila.

I had a different opinion. Caroline continued jawing at the stage about Matt, not mentioning of course his name. We were all staring at the stage holding our breaths.

"I can sing. Yeah, I'm going to sing." Caroline whispered the song she wanted to sing to the leader of the group and seconds later they started playing it. And she started singing.

She was an amazing singer, I had to give her credit for that. Before Caroline finishing her song, Matt was already on the stage kissing her. Every single person in the crowd cheered enthusiastically and I, along with Elena and Bonnie were dancing around happy for our friend.

"Finally!!!!" I exclaimed.

"I hope guys you don't mind us leaving." Alexander asked the others.

"Not, not at all." Elena said eyeing me.

"So, I guess I'll see you around." I said, leaving Alexander to lead me along the crowd.

We got out of the Grill and started walking in the night.

"I didn't expect to see you at all. At least so soon." I told him.

"You are a very charming person you know. You are vamping the others." I raised my eyebrows. "Ok, maybe I chose wrong verb to use. How are things since I left?"

"Ah, you know the same. Vampires, deaths, threats... Everyday stuff..." He laughed.

"And you are extremely funny. You are a very good company."

"Thank you. So do you. What happened with the college you were looking for?"

"Well, I found the perfect one for me."

"Really? How is it?"

"Well, I would love to tell you, but instead I prefer to show you." I stopped walking and looked at him.

"What do you mean?"

"Actually, I came here to take you for a trip. You know to help me look for an apartment, girls are better to this kind of stuff."


"I hope you don't mind missing a day of school."

"No, not at all, actually. I would gladly get away from this place for a bit. When we start our little adventure?" I teased. He laughed.

"Right now!"

"I'm in!" I said, both of us laughing, in the middle of the road.

We stopped by my house of course to get some things for the trip, after I had texted to Elena explaining her I would be out of town for a while and not to worry. Making sure everything was fine, I locked the door of my house and got into Alexander's car.

"Are you ready?" He asked me, a smile forming on his face.

"More than ever." I replied. He smiled broadly and started the engine. Immediately, a song started playing on the radio.

Let the adventure begin...

Author's Note: A small chapter... So, guys, I've been thinking lately to nominate my story for the Wattys 2016... I'm not really sure... I mean it's too soon.... But, I would really like to know your opinion. Please, let me know in the comments down below!!!

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