Chapter 56

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Alexander's P.O.V.

The last few hours have been a hell for Cassandra. She forced me to return to Mystic Falls to stand by her friend. I didn't blame her. I would have done the same. She has been blaming herself from the time she saw the vision. Blaming herself for trusting him. She tried to pretend to be calm, but I knew her better. She was screaming inside. I could feel it. That's why I spoke to Elena, after the funeral. It was a difficult time, but I should tell her and it proved to be a wise choice.

Cassie's P.O.V.

It was hard for me to return to Mystic Falls after what happened. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe Elijah betrayed us. He betrayed me... He believed Klaus's lies about reuniting him with his family. He should have known better. Klaus never says something honourable. And we trusted him. I trusted him. And he didn't hesitate to fail us. I hate him. Honestly, I hate him. And I blame myself for being so naive to believe him. Him and his lies. He never felt anything for me. They were all lies to achieve his goal. And I fell like the mouse in the trap. I'm so stupid!!! I hate myself for feeling anything for him. He didn't deserve anything. Nor my love nor my compassion nor anything. I wish he finds what he deserves! And that's a curse! As everybody knows do not ever make a prophetess angry!
I was sitting outside Elena's house, away from everyone. I wasn't in the mood for talking. I knew I had to stand by my best friend, but how would I stand by her when even I hadn't the courage to do that to myself?

"Cassie?" Elena said standing by the door.

"Elena." I said not knowing what to tell her.

"Alexander told me some things about what happened." Damn!

"He shouldn't have told you a thing. You have enough already in your mind. You don't need my problems too."

"Your problems? Cassie, this has nothing to do with you."

"Yes, it has. I trusted him. I made you trust him. And he failed all of us. It's my fault."

"Please Cassie, don't blame yourself. As much as I want to blame Elijah I can't. He did what he did for his family. I'm sure he never wanted to betray you." The sound of his name made me feel weird.

"Yeah, really?"

"Yes, Cassie, because I could see it in his eyes. He has feelings for you and you for him. Don't deny it."

"I don't. I do have feelings for him. And that's hatred and disgust."

"You are exaggerating."

"No, Elena, I don't. He failed me. He failed you. And that's something I'll never forgive. I hope the bastard will pay for that."

"He has already paid. He lost you."

"Yeah, big loss."

"You have been denying it even before, Cassie. Elijah had deep feelings for you. And now I can see the pain of loss in your eyes. Because you felt the same."

I didn't answer. I left only a tear escape my eye. But, then thousands of them followed.

"It's going to be ok. I promise." Elena said hugging me, trying to comfort me. Will it ever be?

"I'm such a terrible friend! I should comfort you and instead you comfort me!" I mumbled still in Elena's hug.

"Don't worry Cassie. But, I was wondering how you are planning your summer with Alexander..."

"Of course he told you... Well, I decided it would be good for me to stay away for a while... I don't want to think about you know who..."

"Voldemort?" She joked.

"Yeah!" I said laughing along with her.

"When are you leaving?"

"In two days. Are you sure you don't want me to stay?" I asked her.

"No, no, no. I agree with you. At least one of us can get away from all this madness."

"Thank you, Elena. For everything..."

"It's nothing..." She said hugging me tighter.

"Come on, let's get inside." I said standing up with Elena following me.

Two days later...

"Have you packed everything?" Alexander asked annoyed.

"Yes. I just need to make a final check." I said getting annoyed too, by his impatience.

"Please, hurry up!" He moaned.

"Look, if you are grumpy all summer, I'm not coming!"

"No, no, no! Take your time!" He answered immediately. I chuckled. This was going to be a great summer. At least I hoped so...

"Ok, I've finished."

"Finally..." Alexander mumbled.

"I heard that." I said locking the door and making my way towards him.

"Ready for the most amazing summer you will ever have?"

"I think so..."

"Please don't be so enthusiastic about it..." He said ironically.

"I am. It's just the first time I spend my summer somewhere else than Mystic Falls. And I feel a little guilty leaving my friends to cope with Klaus. But, I can't be here. Or I'll go completely crazy." He didn't say anything. Instead, he hugged me tightly.

"Everything is going to be alright." He whispered.

"Come on! Get in!" He said after a while, enthusiasm back in his voice. I laughed. But, it was short.

I didn't realize how I felt on my knees and screamed because of the pain. A dagger was in my heart.

"Cassandra, Cassandra!!!!"

I could hear Alexander calling my name, but it seemed like he was miles away from me. The only thing I could focus on was the pain in my chest and the feeling of betrayal, fear and... hopelessness.

I knew, though, those feelings didn't belong to me...

Author's Note: So, this is it... From now on starts a period without Elijah, as you will probably have guessed. I hope the chapters of this period maintain your interest for this story. And please comment if you'd like... *puppy eyes*

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