Chapter 6

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Another day begins

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Another day begins. My first thought when the bell rang. Despite what happened yesterday, things look like normal. I was with Caroline and Bonnie, who was trying to explain to Caroline what her grandma said about her being a witch.

"I'm confused." Caroline replied to Bonnie.

"Well, technically grandma says I'm a witch. My ancestors were this cool witch-chicks or something, grandma tried to explain it all, but... Crazy family, yes. Witches, I don't think so."

"Yeah, feel free to predict the number of that guy from last night." Caroline said with a wide smirk on her face.

"I didn't see him, you did."

"Wait. Hold on, hold on. Did I hear something about a guy?" I interrupted them.

"A very hot guy, Caroline saw last night at the Grill. Why didn't you talk to him?"

"I don't know, I was drunk."

"So, my dear Caroline, next time you should not drink that much. You never know what happens. Take me, as an example. I never drink and I'm sure that nothing bad, in all meanings, will happen."

"Yeah, let me think, what happened with that Paul guy. He wanted to ask you on a date and you were about to spank him."

"Don't blame me! The dude is too smarmy for my taste. But, if you like that kind of guys, go ahead!"

"Ok, calm down. Paul is a very hot guy. Why didn't you want him?" I sighed.

"Caroline, if you don't stop saying bullshit, seriously, this is not gonna be good. Ok?"

"Fine Miss Unapproachable. Remind me, have you ever had a boyfriend?"


"Fine, just saying..."

The rest of the day went by quickly enough. After the last period, I found Matt getting into his car.

"Hey, Matt!"

"Hey, Cassie. What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I was just wondering how Vicky is doing."

"You want to know how Vicky is doing?" he repeated in disbelief.

"Yes, is that so hard to believe? Ok, I admit that I don't like your sister, but that doesn't implies I want her dead or injured or even in a bad condition."

"Well, thank you for caring for my sister. Or at least don't want her dead. And to answer your question she is doing better."

"That's a good thing. Did she say anything about what attacked to her?"

"She said it was a vampire."

"A vampire?" It was my turn now to repeat his words in disbelief.

"She was probably drunk."

"Yes. You are going to see her now, aren't you?"

"Yes. Sorry, but I have to go."

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