Chapter 21

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Arriving at the airport, I found Mr. Green waiting for me.

"Mr. Green!" I exclaimed in surprise.

"Cassandra." He stated.

"What are you doing here? And why are you calling me Cassandra?"

"Your grandmother made a call asking me to escort you from the airport to the town. And as you have already learnt about your destiny, I think is off use not to call you with your original name."

"As you wish." I replied shrugging.

"Come on."

To the way back he explained everything that happened from the moment I left Mystic Falls. A lot of incidents, in my opinion, comparing to the time I had been away.

"Caroline is in the hospital."

"I knew that. How long is she there?"

"From last night. Her, Matt Donovan and Tyler Lockwood were in the car, Tyler was driving and for some reason, which I don't know, they crashed on a hedge. She was lucky to survive through internal bleeding."


"Christa told me about your vision concerning Caroline."

"She did?" I asked confused.


"Just leave it. I don't know what to do with all this 'vision' situation."

"Sometimes we have to accept what we really are, in order to cope up with it."

"Thank you. I don't know why, but you always give the best advice."

"That's why I became a teacher." We both laughed at that.

"Do you want me to leave you at the hospital or at your house?"

"It would be better to leave me at my place to leave my suitcases first and then I'll go to hospital on foot."

"Ok, if that's what you want."

A few hours later I was on my way to hospital, after leaving all my suitcases at home. I had never been to hospital for a serious reason. Until now.

Bonnie's P.O.V.

"How is she?" I asked Matt who was outside Caroline's room. I wasn't sure if Damon's attempt to heal her was successful.

"See for yourself." He replied and led me in Caroline's room, where she was laying on her bed, seeming good. Better than yesterday at least.

"Jersey Shore's on." She said with a big smile. I ran and hugged her tightly.

"Be careful, still in pain, a little."

"Sorry." I mumbled, tears of happiness forming into my eyes.

"It's ok." She reassured me, her smile going wider.

"But, they say, I'm healing very quick."

"My turn." Matt said kissing her. It was so good to see Caroline, safe and sound.

"Isn't he cute? Why are crying?" She asked noticing my watery eyes.

"I'm just happy you are ok."

"Oh I love you guys, I love you."

"Group hug!" She said cheerfully.

"No hug for me?" Everyone froze.

None expected to hear that voice. At least not so soon. We all turned around facing a smiling Cassie leaning on the doorframe.

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