Chapter 17

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The same day...

Cassie's P.O.V.

It had only passed 2 hours since we left Mystic Falls. Before, crossing the Wickery Bridge and leave Mystic Falls behind us, we went to the cemetery. There, we left flowers at my parents' graves and silently I asked them to take care of my friends. Then, it was time to leave the town where I was born and grew up, for a time period I didn't even know how much would last...

Currently, we were a few miles away from Mystic Falls, heading to the nearest airport.

"Granny, tell me more about vampires..."

"Do you really want to learn more?" She asked me with a chuckle.

"Yes, besides I think it would be better if I knew more. It would help me to protect myself."

"Ok. From where should I start?" She asked herself.

"From the beginning I guess."

"Well, vampires are not able to walk in the sun-"

"Then how Stefan and Damon are able to do so?"

"They have magical rings, spelled by a witch and in this way they are enabled to walk when the sun is up."

"Wait, there are witches? Please don't tell me there are werewolves too!" She just stared at me without saying a word.

"Gosh!" I exclaimed, tiding over my seat.

"After everything you have learnt, are you really keep being surprised?"

"A bit..." She laughed.

"So, are there any witches or werewolves in Mystic Falls?"

"Yes." She looked at me again, waiting for my reaction. I did my best to hold another surprised look.

"So, who are they? Unless you can't tell me, of course..."

"No, it's ok, there would be no harm if I told you."


"The ancestors of your friend Bonnie were witches, as well as her. And the Lockwood family has the werewolf gene."

"What?!?!?! Bonnie is a witch? And Tyler is werewolf?"

"Yes and no. The last time I spoke with Sila, she was planning to help her adjust to this new world. Just like what I am doing right now for you. Tyler Lockwood, on the other hand, has no awareness of what he is. He can't transform yet. In fact, even his own father doesn't know what he really is."

"How can he be able to transform into a wolf?"

"The only thing he has to do is to kill somebody. Right after that he will transform into a wolf every full moon."

"Tyler might be a total jerk, but I don't think he would be able to kill somebody..."

"I think so too. Tyler Lockwood might be a total spoiled mama's boy, but he isn't capable of murder. So, shall we go back to our first issue; vampires?"

"Yes, Granny tell me..."

"As you have already seen they have fangs and their eyes change, somehow, they are also weakened by a special herb; vervain. This herb is really toxic for them and if the victim has any of it in his system, it's simply difficult for them to come around after a bite. And also protects them from being compelled."

"What's this compulsion thing?"

"It works when the vampire has eye contact with the victim. Sometimes when the relation between the vampire and the victim is too strong, and by that I mean that the victim has been through many compulsions, it can work from a distance, as long as the vampire is strong enough. And to answer your question compulsion is an ability every vampire has, that helps them to manipulate their victims. They do whatever they want them to do, think whatever they want them to think, even erase their memories."

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