Chapter 1

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I arrived at school a quarter before the first bell rang

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I arrived at school a quarter before the first bell rang. As always. I saw Elena and Bonnie getting out of her car. Just by looking at Elena, I could tell there was something wrong.

"Hey, guys!" I greeted them with a large smile."

"Hey, Cassie!" That's how most people call me. Cassandra it's a bit old-fashioned, so I prefer my nickname.

"What's up? Elena are you ok? You seem a little pale."

"I'm fine, Cassie. Thanks for asking."

"Yes, a stupid bird fell on our car, so I had to hit on the brakes and we were both scared to death." Bonnie explained.

"Wow, that's bad." I commented.

"Come on girls, let's get inside." Elena said.

She seemed a bit uncomfortable with the conversation. I don't blame her, considering she just lost her parents because of a car crash, and the fact that she was the only one to survive didn't make it easy either. We were walking inside the building, heading to Bonnie's locker. Bonnie was talking about something, but I wasn't paying really much attention to be honest.

"Cassie, we are here!" Bonnie said waving her hand in front of my face.

"Why, did I say the opposite?" Bonnie gave me a look and continued talking to Elena.

This time I tried to pay attention. Not a successful try. All the images from last night's nightmare came to my mind and I was unable to block them out.

But, when Bonnie pointed out someone, behind Elena and me, I couldn't help but look. It was Matt who was staring at us. Elena, more specifically. He was very sad about their break up. And it was pretty much obvious. Elena, gestured to him, but he just looked at her and walked away. Poor Matt. I felt sorry for him. He was a very good guy and we used to hang out a lot, but he started avoiding us after his break up with Elena. I understood that he needed some time away from us, so no grudges.

"He hates me..." Elena murmured.

"That's not hate, that's ..." Bonnie said to Elena, but I didn't hear her finish her sentence, as I noticed Caroline approaching us, her face full of concern.

"Oh, Elena! Oh my God!" she said hugging her tightly.

"It's so good to see you! How is she? Is she good?"She asked Bonnie and me. I rolled my eyes as a response.

"Caroline, I'm right here. And... I'm fine, thank you" Elena answered before Bonnie.


"Yes, much better." Caroline hugged Elena again mumbling something.

"So, see you guys later!" she said with a huge smile and walked away. Classic Caroline... She is always exaggerating.

"What I love about Caroline is that she lives in her own perfect Barbie world." I commented.

"It's not like that." Elena tried to defend her.

"It is exactly like that. But I didn't say that in a bad way. We all need sometimes to get away from reality."

"You have a point." Elena agreed along with Bonnie.

We were walking down the hallway, when Bonnie suddenly stopped.

"Hold on, who is that?" she said pointing at a tall guy wearing a black leather jacket and blue jeans.

"All I see is his back." Elena commented.

"It's a hot back!" Bonnie complemented.

"You tell me..." I replied. They both turned to look at me with raised eyebrows.

"What?" I exclaimed.

"You have lost it girl!" Bonnie said trying to be serious, but she was obviously in difficulty holding a smile. They continued talking about the mysterious guy, as I continued staring at him. I'm such a creeper sometimes...

"I'll be right back." Elena said walking away, while Bonnie mumbled

"Please be hot!!!" I watched Elena go in the boys' room.

Something must have happened with Jeremy. Poor kid. Since his parents' loss, he has been through a hard time. Including drugs and being 'in love' with Vicky the slut. She might be Matt's sister, but she is nothing like him. Suddenly, the mysterious guy, turned around. Both Bonnie and I were staring at him wide-eyed and our jaws almost hit the ground. He was one of the hottest guys I had ever seen!!! As he was walking past us, down the hall we started following him with our gaze. Every girl, in the hall turned around and stared at him. Even Caroline. I recognized that look. I call it the 'look of the huntress'. That means, she won't stop until she gets what she wants. And her pray this time was this poor guy.

And then was, when Elena got out of the boys' room and bumped into the hot guy. She looked quite surprised. They talked a bit, Elena didn't know what to say as far as I could tell just by watching them and then she left, heading to us. I would ask for more details, if I was like Caroline and if the bell hadn't rung, forcing us to head to our classrooms.

A brand new school year has just started.....

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