Chapter 118

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"I told you Agnes, I feel great." Hayley tried to reassure the gipsy witch for the thousandth time.

"You are overdue for a check-up." The witch argued.

"What am I going to do? Pop up into the Quarter for a quick ultrasound? A pregnant werewolf escorted by a witch? Nothing to see here." Hayley replied back ironically. Fortunately, she had come to her senses.

"A lot of women would kill to have a child. It strikes me as odd that you are not taking better care of yours." Rebekah said from the other corner of the room.

I knew that she was talking about herself too. Rebekah always wanted to have a normal life, a family, a husband, a child. A bit hard and unlikely to happen, when you are a thousand-year-old Original vampire.

"I know a doctor out in the bayou, off the bitten path. I took the liberty of making an appointment for you, tonight, after hours, just us. Vampires will never get a word of it." Even the sound of her voice was so ridiculous. It made me angry.

"Ok, fine. Bayou baby doctor it is." Hayley compromised. They both stood up and headed to the door. I followed them, less hurried than they were.

"You don't have to come. We will be fine. Stay here and rest." She tried to persuade me.

"There is no way I'm leaving you alone with her. I'm coming too."

"But-" She protested.

"No buts. If you don't want me to believe that your intentions are something less than honourable, you will shut the hell up and let me come with you. If I'm not around, Hayley is not going anywhere. Am I clear?" The witch just nodded and led the way. I didn't trust her, I didn't trust her at all.

"You are sitting in the back." I instructed Hayley, seeing her ready to sit at the front next to that witch.

"What?" She said irritated.

"You heard me. And put your seatbelt on." I replied while sitting in the front. I caught the witch staring at me. "You'll start or what?" I shouted annoyed.

She didn't wait any longer and turned on the engine. The drive seemed to be endless and I had a feeling that something bad was about to happen. I didn't know what or when, but I could feel that the witch sitting beside me would have a big part in it. The car suddenly stopped. I looked around me. There were trees around and there was single wooden house, which I assumed was the doctor's office.

"Why is it that far in the bayou?" I asked the witch.

"Dr. Paige is only that far out only because Marcel's men kept terrorizing her patients. Go. She won't bite." I glared at her.

"Fine. Let's go Hayley." I said getting out of the car.

I took one last glance at the witch, before I got into the doctor's office. It was really small, as it seemed from the outside. The doctor, a blonde woman in her middle thirties greeted us and led Hayley inside another room to examine her. I was waiting just outside the door, which to my surprise was left open.

"Your baby's heart rate is perfect." The doctor said after a while.

"I knew it. She is a tough one like her mom." Hayley replied. I could almost see the smile in her voice.

"That's a unique birth mark." The doctor pointed out. She saw her birth mark. I thought she should keep it hidden.

"We are pretty much done here, right?" Hayley asked. She was uncomfortable too with the doctor seeing her birth mark.

"Your blood pressure is a bit high. I've got something for it." The doctor said and left the room. I approached Hayley.

"Who are you texting to?" I asked.

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