Chapter 145

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Elijah's P.O.V.

I was waiting for my brother's return and my worry was growing by the second. After what seemed like an eternity, I heard footsteps and I turned relieved to face Niklaus. But, it was a short term feeling. He had a frown on his face, a frown I recognized, because he used it when he didn't want to show his pain. My eyes fell to what he was holding in his arms. Or who to be more exact. I stared numb at the petite figure with the red hair in my brother's arms. But, when I saw her hand hanging lifelessly, I broke down. Every emotion I had locked away was now coming back and my pain grew along with it.

"No..." I said, shaking my head in denial. My brother lowered his head. "No..." I repeated, feeling my heart breaking into million pieces.

"I'm sorry, brother." Niklaus's words were the final blow.

"NOOOOO!!!!!!" I rushed to him and took Cassandra in my arms and placed her carefully on the floor. "Cassandra..." I whispered seeing her eyes staring at me back lifelessly. "My love..." I said stroking her cheek.

Her beautiful blue eyes had lost their spark. This wasn't happening. It couldn't be true. I focused my hearing on her. Silence. There was no heartbeat. Her heart was not beating. And mine stopped beating along with hers. Tears started streaming on my face, as I was mourning the woman I had lost. The woman that was responsible for my whole existence was now gone and I had no reason to continue living. My whole world was turned upside down. I lifted my hand and carefully closed her eyes. Forever. I would never see again the fire that always burned in them. I felt my brother's hand on my shoulder, but nothing mattered anymore. Because she was gone. I held her tightly inside my arms, as I wished for only one thing.

To go find her.

Cassie's P.O.V.

I was always wondering how death felt like. It was not even remotely close to what I had imagined. I felt myself being drifted away. There was no pain. I just felt myself being drifted away. It was as if I was bound to something or someone. I expected some kind of portal to the other side, but there was no such a thing. That's why I was really astonished when I landed in the Salvatore house back in Mystic Falls. What the hell is that? Some weird kind of déjà-vu? I thought to myself. I was currently at the hallway that led to the living room. There was a vase on a table nearby, so I thought that it was a good idea to see if I was really alive. But when I attempted to grab it, my hand went right through it. So I was really dead. I was a ghost. I lived in a parallel universe. A universe only made for the dead.

There were voices coming from the living room, so I decided to go there and see what was happening. Tears came into my eyes when I saw all of my friends, sitting there by the fireplace, chatting and laughing and having fun. Elena, Bonnie, Caroline, Matt, Jeremy, Stefan, Damon and even Tyler... They were all there. This was my life. This could have been my life. But instead, I decided to destroy it when I turned my humanity off. Even Bonnie was there. She looked so beautiful. Her hair was short and there was a permanent smile on her face. Oh this was definitely a parallel universe game. Bonnie was dead. And I didn't even get to say goodbye.

Suddenly, her eyes fixed on me. I turned to see if anyone was standing behind me. But, there was no one there. When I turned back to look at her, her eyes were still on me, even though they were a bit wider.

"Cassie?!?!?!" She exclaimed jumping up from the couch she was sitting next to Jeremy.

"What?" Elena and Caroline said at the same time, following Bonnie's eyes. But, they couldn't see me. I could tell that from their confused expressions.

"What are you talking about?" Caroline asked Bonnie a little worried.

"Cassie, she is standing right there! Don't you... see her..." She stopped midsentence realizing what she had just said. "Oh my God..." She said breathless, all the happiness now abandoning her features.

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