Chapter 97

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I sighed

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I sighed. There was no time to waste. I walked to my closet and changed. Then, I put the other hunter's talisman and headed to the basement where I kept my father's weapons. I took a silver whip that looked like a snake and some knives. I put the whip around my wrist and it coiled itself automatically. Now they were going to see what true rage meant.

 Now they were going to see what true rage meant

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I stormed out of the house walking fast. I focused my rage on finding Elena. I felt her. She was under the ground. A cave maybe. I focused more. Woods. It was near or in the woods. In, more probably. Magic. I could sense magic. Somewhere near Esther. That was all I could get. Probably she was casting a spell to blind me, so I couldn't find her. I couldn't find Elena's exact location which meant she was somewhere near her.

My phone started ringing pulling me out of my thoughts. "Yes?" I said answering it.

"Did you find her?" Damon asked almost immediately.

"Trying. I have some clues, but it seems that the evil witch is casting a spell to blind me. What about you? Have you thought anything?"

"We did. But, you are not going to like it."

"Try me."

"Since they are linked as one, we thought to gain some time."

"Damon out with it."

"We will dagger them. Or one of them, more precisely." I remained silent for a little.

"And how are you going to achieve that?"

"Klaus and Kol are at the Grill drinking. Caroline is going to be the distraction. So, when the time is right we will lure Kol and then Ric will stab him. End of story."

"Go ahead." I said as soon as he had finished.

"But... isn't this going to affect you too?" Damon asked.

"Yes, but I don't think it will affect me that much. I'm wearing the two vampire hunter's talismans. That's why when I only wore one, Elijah's dose of anesthesia lasted less than he planned."

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