Chapter 83

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"Am I late? Did she come?" I asked in a hurry, finding Elena in front of Caroline's locker decorating it.

"No you are not late and she hasn't come yet."

"Good." I exhaled in relief.

"May I help?"

"Yes, can you pass me the balloons?" She asked.

"Sure." I said handing her a bunch of balloons that were on the floor.

"Am I late?" Bonnie said appearing.

"No you are not late too. Did you bring it?"

"Yes." She said showing us a placard writing 'Happy Birthday Caroline!!!'. I smiled.

"I want to tell you something and you won't like it." Elena said to Bonnie.

"What happened?" She asked worried.

"Jeremy is going to leave town for a while. He'll be staying at some old family friends in Denver, until this whole Klaus thing blows over."

"Jeremy wouldn't just leave you to deal with the whole Klaus thing on your own."

"I know. I asked Damon to compel him." I goggled, but said nothing. I consciously kept myself out of this conversation and continued decorating Caroline's locker.

Bonnie and Elena continued talking, until Bonnie left and went to meet Jeremy.
"Do you think I was wrong?" Elena asked when Bonnie was far enough. I didn't need her to explain. I knew what she was talking about.

"Well, I sent my Granny away. I didn't need to compel her though, considering that would be impossible."

"And she just agreed to leave?"

"She understood that having her around would only make me more worried and in combination with the vision situation and the vampire situation, would drive me crazy, she saw that knowing she would be safe was the best for me and for her."

"I wish things where that simple with Jeremy too."

"Where is Caroline? She should be here." I said to Elena.

"You are right. Perhaps she decided to skip school today..." She replied.

"Why don't we do the same?" I suggested.

"Excellent idea!"

"Let's go tell Bonnie and Matt." Once we had found both of them, we informed them that Caroline probably wouldn't come, so we should go to her. "So, do we all agree?" I said. Everyone nodded. "Good. Let's go." I said. We headed to Caroline's house. We asked Ms. Forbes to give us the keys, hoping she wouldn't be there when we arrived.

To our luck, she wasn't. We put on birthday party hats and waited for Caroline to come. Once we heard the door opening and the sound of keys being left on the table, we made our move.

"SURPRISE!!!" We shouted all together. Caroline seemed pretty surprised to see us. "Happy Birthday!" We said again in unison.

"What are you guys doing here?" Caroline asked shocked.

"Well, you ditched school and missed our art masterpiece, so..." I said shrugging.

"Change into warmer clothes, we are going to the falls." Elena explained, giving her a tiara.

"Smors, campfire..." Bonnie continued.

"Cake, like we were little..." I followed her.

"Except with tequila..." Matt finished. We all laughed.

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