Chapter 111

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New Orleans. One of the most vibrant cities in the world. Where death concurred, life covered it. I was only a few days in the city and I intended to stay more. Although, eventually I would have to leave. I didn't stay too long in a place. Marcel made everything he could to make me feel comfortable and welcome. I think he might have been a little afraid of me considering the two giant talismans I never neglected to wear. I had turned down his invitation to stay with him, saying I wanted to retain my independence. That was partly true. The true reason was that I couldn't stand living under the same roof with so many vampires. I could stand being around them, but not sleep around them. There was a difference. Nevertheless, Marcel was very disappointed, however he accepted my decision.

It was another magnificent night at the streets of New Orleans. People with masks, dancing and having fun. I was wandering around, finding amusement at the way people humiliated themselves. I walked past Rousseau's, one of the most famous bars in the city, when I stopped dead in my tracks. A warm feeling spreaded in my chest, a feeling I had totally forgotten about. It brought back painful memories from the past, I would rather erase. No! I held back the memories. I was better now. In fact, I coudn't recall myself ever being so calm and carefree. I got in the bar, curious to see if what I suspected was true. And it was.

I stood there, frozen in my position staring at the only person in this world that could make me feel like this. Elijah Mikaelson. He was sitting at the bar drinking Martini. I could hardly breathe. He spoke to the bartender and it was like hearing bells all over again. Like the first time I had met him. No! Don't do this to yourself again! You know how it will end! I closed my eyes and everything was gone. I was emotionless again. And that was the best for right now. With determination, I turned around and exited the bar without looking back.

Elijah's P.O.V.

Strange. I felt warmth spreading in my heart. What was happening? Camille, the bartender, was obviously not the reason behind it. The sentiment was familiar. It was like... Cassandra was here. Somewhere near me. Once I realized that, my head snapped at all the directions trying to spot her. A cold draught came from the door. Maybe I was imagining things. My guilt in combination with her long absence in my life may have led to this nonsense. I focused again on the conversation I had with Camille. Although, I couldn't get my mind of what I had previously experienced.

Cassie's P.O.V.

"Are you alright?" Marcel asked seeing me drinking the whole bar.

"Never been better." I replied drinking another glass of whisky.

"I see you got the heavy stuff here. Are you sure you don't want to talk about it?" He asked concerned, to my surprise.

"I said I'm fine." I replied stubbornly.

"Is this about your ex? Has he bothered you?" He continued.

"I said I'm fine!" I yelled. He looked at me sympathetically.

"Ok. I believe you. Just don't drink too much." I stared at him for a couple of times with an 'are you serious' look."Ok, do whatever you want. I have to go to be with an old friend, but if you need anything I'm here for you." He said looking me in the eyes with honesty. I nodded.

"Who is this friend of yours?" I asked out of curiosity. He hesitated a bit, before answering.

"Klaus Mikaelson." I choked with my drink. "You know him?" He asked shocked.

"Who doesn't?" I replied back, trying to come around.

"Please tell me he is not your ex..." I looked at him wide-eyed.

"I'm not a psycho!"

"Ok, ok. Just making sure." He said raising his hands in defence. "Now I need to go. See you around." He replied turning his back, leaving.

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