Chapter 3

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It took me less than ten minutes to arrive at the Grill. I didn't see Bonnie or Caroline so I sat in a table and waited. Then I noticed Vicky the slut. That girl would be much better without drugs, slutty manners and Tyler Lockwood. That jackass! I hated him! He is the arrogant mama's boy, son of the mayor of the town. I saw his look when Vicky served him and Matt. If she respected herself even a bit she would break up with him right away. In the bar, Jeremy was waiting for her. And if I respected myself I wouldn't be 'in love' with Vicky or even talk to her, unlike Jeremy. Not that there was a possibility of doing such a thing.

The arrival of Bonnie and Caroline pulled me out of my thoughts. Apparently, Caroline was giving her information about Stefan. I wondered how she managed to earn so much information, as well as what her sources were.

"Hey, Cassie!" They greeted me.

"Hi girls. Well Caroline what says Stefan's biography?"I joked.

"Oh, well..." she started talking and talking.

I was looking at her my eyes gone wide. Finally, she finished.

"I know, I shouldn't be impressed, but... I do. How did you manage to learn so much about him in so little time after school?"

"Actually I learned those things about him in between third and fourth period." My jaw hit the ground. Literally.

Before I could answer to her, she left to greet someone.

"Tragic!" I commented. Bonnie laughed.

"You might be right."

"I am!" I exclaimed.

We waited for Elena to come. Actually, we tried to convince Matt, she didn't broke up with him, because she didn't love him, but due to the fact that she had lost her parents and was going through a hard time. That was when Elena came in with Stefan escorting her. Ok, that was a shock. Everyone at the bar turned around and stared at them. Even Tyler.

"Hard time, ah?" Matt said, hurt obvious in his voice.

All the efforts we had made were destroyed. He stood up and walked to them. He introduced himself. That's Matt, the best guy ever.

A bit later, Caroline was like cross-examining Stefan. What a petty! Really, if you survive after Caroline's "Inquisition" you are one of the strongest people in the world.

"So, I think you don't know about the party tomorrow?" she asked.

"Will you go?" he asked Elena.

But Bonnie answered for her "Of course she will." I giggled quietly.

I'm pretty sure he heard it, but he couldn't move his eyes away from Elena.

I looked at my watch to see what time is it. It was 11:30. I had to go if I wanted not to be late.

"Sorry guys, but I have to go. My Granny will freak out if I'm late." I said grabbing my bag.

"Nice to meet you Stefan." I said offering him my hand.

He took it and that was the moment when something very strange happened. Everything went dark and the only thing I could see was a lot of people laying dead to the ground around a man. Horrified, I realized it was Stefan. His eyes were evil and had blood in his mouth.

Suddenly all came back to normal.

"Are you ok?" he asked full of concern.

"Yes, I'm fine, thanks. I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight!"I replied quickly, too quickly actually, but I didn't care.

I waved them goodbye and left. Walking out of the Grill I caught Stefan's gaze. What was wrong with him? Or better, what was wrong with me?

I reached home, sooner than I thought. My Granny was sitting on the armchair watching TV.

"You're back honey."

"Yes, Granny. I'm tired, I'll go to bed. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, honey."

Two hours later I was tossing and turning on my bed, unable to sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened earlier at the Grill. What was that? Am I going crazy? Seriously, what kind of people would see something like that? If it was real. Which is not. Oh, my God!!! What am I going to do? Should I talk about it to my Granny? No, no, no. She will be worried. Well, if that happens again, I will talk to her. Let's hope I'm not insane and there is a logical explanation. Which I assume there is not. I sighed. I decided to start counting sheep. One, two, three, four, five, six....

In my dream I was in the woods. It was dark and cold. My breath formed small clouds in the air. I was walking and walking and walking. Suddenly, I found the road that passes through the forest. A young man was driving with a girl on his side. Suddenly, the car collided with somebody. The girl was very, very shocked and the man as well. He got out of the car and went near to the body. My attention was caught by the girl who tried to call an ambulance. She didn't realize that the man had disappeared. When she noticed it, she got out of the car calling his name. I got closer to her. She couldn't see me. Then out of the blue, a black form attacked the girl who screamed as loud as she could. I wasn't able to help her, but I was able to see the face of that monster. He seemed human, but he wasn't. His eyes were evil, he had two huge fangs and blood covered his mouth. I screamed.

I woke up terrified and sweaty. I was in my room. I was safe. Oh my God!!! What the hell was that??? I could hardly breathe so I got off my bed and went down to the kitchen. I drank a glass of water to calm down. It didn't help, so I decided to heat up a cup of milk. As soon as I drank the hot milk, I felt much better. What kind of dream was that? Obviously apart from nightmare. And I don't watch thrillers. Probably I have a great fantasy... "Oh, my God..."I murmured to myself, sighing. I decided to go back to my room, since there was nothing I could do down here. I washed my face and went back to my bed. I don't think I would be able tosleep after that. But, I was wrong.

This time I was in a different place in the woods. But, how can that be possible to be recognized, since there were trees everywhere I looked, like the other time? Anyway, I walked again and came across the lake I had been earlier this evening, instead of the road. No matter how many times I would see that lake, this image would always calm me down. But near the lakeshore there was a man gazing the lake. He didn't look like the other I saw, he was more... Well, how can I state this? He was tall, probably quite handsome, dressed in a black suit and very, very calm. I started approaching him, but as soon as he realized I was there too, he started walking away.

"Don't leave! Please!!!" I yelled.

He turned around, casted an eye over me and then left.

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