Chapter 127

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His lips were as soft as I remembered them to be. I felt so guilty for giving in, but I couldn't help it. At first he was kissing me gently, slowly, but then our kisses became more passionate. His hands descended to my waist and then to my hips. He placed himself between my legs and kissed me even more passionately. I knew very well how this was going to end. I didn't want it to happen under these circumstances. I tried to push Elijah away, but he didn't move an inch. When, he went down to kiss my neck I begged him to stop, but a soft moan escaped my lips betraying me. I had almost forgotten the pleasure this man could offer me. His hands moved slowly under me shirt, lifting it up. I begged him again to stop. But, he didn't listen. I had no other choice. I slowly took a stake that was nearby. Elijah in the mean time was kissing me again and it made it so difficult to me to do what I was going to do. I'm sorry. I thought and with an abrupt move I put the stake right through his heart. I knew it wouldn't kill him, but it would stop him for a while. He lifted his head looking at me wide-eyed, before he collapsed in my arms.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered pushing him aside. Tears escaped my eyes, like a waterfall. I couldn't do this anymore! And the worst part is that when he would wake up, I had to pretend I didn't care. Where have you gotten yourself into, Cassie? I jumped as it was the first time, I was calling myself with the name I was using back in Mystic Falls.

The tears eventually dried out. Just before the sunrise, Elijah started to come around. I was sitting as far away from him as possible. He looked around disoriented for a while, until his eyes met mine. From the change of emotions I could see on his face, I understood that he had started remembering what happened last night.

"Cassandra..." He said breathless. "I'm sorry... I..."

"Don't worry about it." I replied as coldly as I could.

"But, I tried to kill you last night."

"But, you didn't. So don't bother yourself with this."

"Are you kidding me?" He said standing up. "I wouldn't be able to live if you died, let alone if I was the reason for your death!" He shouted.

"I said, don't bother yourself with this." I replied calmly, which came in contrast with his furious tone.

"Don't bother?" He repeated clearly mad.

Out of the blue, he grabbed my elbow and let me in his mind again. It was another memory of Celeste. Only this time, Celeste was dead. Somebody had drowned her in her own bathtub. I could feel Elijah's pain. He kneeled on the floor, next to her bathtub and grabbed her body from the water. And I saw him for the first time crying. Crying like a child for the woman he lost. And then, he screamed, a scream that hid the rage and the grief he was feeling. Abruptly, I returned to reality. He looked at me in the eyes.

"How many women will die because of me?" He said and with that he exited the small house.

I didn't lose time and I followed him. "You can't do anything, Elijah!" I shouted behind him, which made him turn around to face me. "I'm human!" I continued not lowering my voice. "Someday, I will die! One way or another I will die! Either from old age or an illness or an accident. It's not in your hand."

"Yes, but last night your throat was in my hand. And I could have killed you as easily as I kissed you." It was the first time he referred to that. It was a little awkward.

"You were sick. I don't blame you!"

"You were there to protect Hayley. And I tried to kill her protector. Do you understand what it means?"

"It means that if I died last night, I would have died fulfilling my oath!"

"Doesn't make it easier." He retorted. I sighed.

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