Chapter 141

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If I said that today was a quiet day, it would be a great lie. Klaus, Elijah and Hayley were on edge all day, since the disappearance of Jackson and Oliver along with their cargo. They were returning to New Orleans after they had left to obtain a specific kind of stones that would be used for the moonlight rings. Hayley was pacing back and forth the whole time since Elijah had left to meet Klaus.

"Chill. Everything is going to be ok." I tried to reassure her, but she shot me a glare instead of replying. I raised my hands in surrender.

"Elijah should have called by now." She said after a while.

"Worrying isn't going to help." Genevieve, the redhead witch, said entering the room. "You should sit down, try to keep calm." She suggested.

"What are you know? Magician / zen life coach?" Hayley retorted ironically.

"The treatment of pregnant women has advanced remarkably since I was a nurse, but even I know high blood pressure is bad for you and your baby."

"And you care about that, because..." I left my sentence unfinished, while eyeing her intensely.

"Especially now that you are so close to deliver." She continued ignoring me.

There was something about her I didn't like. I didn't like at all. Hayley sat on the couch, as the witch had instructed. It was a good thing, since her constant walking made me dizzy.

"I hate this. I feel completely useless." She admitted looking at the ground. I rolled my eyes.

"Don't you get it?" Genevieve said earning Hayley's attention. "You are the point of all these. Klaus and Elijah running all over town. It's all for you. I'm a bit envious." She continued. I scoffed catching her attention.

"So, you screwing Klaus earned you no advantage? Poor thing." I said with a dramatic expression. Her features hardened.

"Sleeping with Klaus has more privileges than you would ever imagine." She replied calmly.

"Really? You mean apart from the temporary pleasure? But, then again, who am I to know? I've never slept with Klaus before."

"Yet, he seems to care a lot about you. I wonder why." I smiled at her.

"Well, I guess this is none of you business." Hayley cleared her throat, turning our attention to her.

"Is there anything I can get you?" Genevieve asked her sweetly. I swear, I was going to vomit if she continued that fake sweet acting.

"How about a moonlight ring?" Hayley said raising her eyebrows.

"The spell can't be performed until the full moon reaches its peak and of course I need the stones, but they will be here soon enough. Have a little faith." Hayley glared at her for a moment and then stood up leaving the room.

Hey, don't leave me here! I complained mentally and immediately stood up to follow her. I knew the witch was dying to comment my reaction, but for her own sake she said nothing.

She was talking on the phone when I caught up with her. "What's going on?" She said worried.

"Jackson is fine. He is a little tied up right now, could we call you back?" I recognized Elijah's voice from the other end of the line.

"Are you trying to kill us?" That was Jackson's voice. What was going on?

"Elijah, tell me what's going on now!" Hayley demanded. There was no reply from the other side, until a big explosion was heard through the phone. Hayley jumped and so did I.

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