#Bonus Chapter - Part 1

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15 years later...

Today was a lovely day. The sun was shining and the birds were chirping happily on the trees. The smell of the flowers in our garden was lovely and the light breeze coming from the open window made me want to get outside and do nothing all day. Just relax and observe the miracle of nature. But, I couldn't. At least for now. I had obligations towards my family. That is, I had to cook dinner. The vegetable soup I was cooking smelled amazing and the only thing needed was a few spices. However, I had to make a birthday cake too. I quickly collected all the ingredients needed and started to work. A couple of hours later the cake was done too. The sun was starting to set and I sat exhausted on one of the chairs in my kitchen.

Of course, my resting time stopped when loud voices were heard from outside, indicating that my babies were home. I barely had the time to stand up from the chair I was sitting, before a small, redhead girl jumped in my arms.

"Mommy! Mommy! You won't believe where we went with daddy today!" She exclaimed clapping her adorable little hands together with excitement.

"Where?" I asked trying to look really curious.

The truth was I already knew, but I didn't want to spoil it for her. Her smile grew wider and started babbling about her day at the park with her daddy and brother. She was talking about the weather and the adorable ducks, swimming in the lake. She talked with excitement about how she managed to feed the ducks with bread and about her cousin Hope that joined them later. They played until it started getting dark and they had to leave. But, she reassured me that Hope, along with uncle Nik, aunt Hayley and aunt Rebekah would come by later. It was her birthday after all today.

"Oh and Hector met a girl today!" She added in the end with excitement.

"Really?" I said raising an eyebrow.

"Shut up!" My nine-year-old son said coming into the kitchen. God, he was a spitting image of his father. He had inherited his brown hair and eyes, as well as the strict lines of his face.

"Hector, language please." My husband said as he entered the kitchen. Our eyes locked and I felt the smile on my face grow wider.

"How was your day, my love?" He said approaching me.

"You know, the usual. A little tiring, yet surprisingly satisfying." He smiled and placed a soft, loving kiss on my lips. The feeling of his lips against mine still send shivers down all over my body.

"Ewwwww!!!" Both of our kids exclaimed, causing us to break the kiss, laughing.

"You two, show a little respect to your parents." Elijah said unable to hide his amusement.

"Why don't you help set the table?" I asked looking at both of them. They both nodded and disappeared in the dining room. "So, Marie tells me that Klaus, Hayley, Rebekah and Hope will be stopping by." I said turning to look at him. His chocolate brown eyes were full of love.

"Marie tells you right." He said wrapping his arms around my waist. Immediately, the warmth I always felt when I was so close to him took over my body. "I missed you today." He said kissing my earlobe.

"Elijah..." I moaned quietly, as he started planting kisses all over my neck. "Not now..."

I tried to push him away, but he didn't move an inch. Instead, he pushed me against the counter and crashed his lips on mine. The kiss was delicate, yet passionate. I melted in his arms and for a moment I forgot where we were and who was in this house.

A car was heard pulling outside and we only had a few seconds to pull apart before our beautiful children ran past the kitchen, heading to the front door, while Marie was shouting "They are here! They are here!" I smiled at the beautiful picture and tried to hide my blushing which our little make out scene caused. Elijah laughed at my reaction and placed a kiss on my forehead, before leaving to greet the others. So, I was left alone in the kitchen, looking back in time and reminiscing the moment when my whole life changed.

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