Chapter 144

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Hayley's P.O.V.

Dear Hayley,

When you get this letter, please don't burn it immediately. There are some things I want to say and you are the only person that might understand me. I know you are angry at me for not protecting you and your child. I totally get that. And you are right to feel betrayed. I stood by you and your daughter every second and the time you needed me the most, I wasn't there. But, I knew my presence would make no difference. Because I had seen what would happen the first moment we met. You are probably wondering how your daughter survived the ritual. How she survived after Monique Deveraux stabbed her in the chest with a knife. How you are still holding her in your arms. There is one very simple explanation to that. Me. When I touched your belly that night in the witch cemetery, I saw a vision of your daughter's birth... And of my death. I knew from the very beginning what fate had decided for me. That's why I swore to protect your child. That's why I stayed with you all the way. Until the end. That day when I had my friend take you away from the bayou, I had asked her to do a spell. A spell to bind my life to your child's. So, in case anything happened to her, she would get a second chance in life. That baby deserved to live more than anyone. She wasn't at fault and yet she paid for everyone else's mistakes. So, as her protector, as a vampire huntress, as a member of The Circle of Ten, when I died protecting her, I directly passed to her my hunter's curse. So that she would be protected after my death. She is safe. No one is ever going to touch her, knowing that the curse is valid for her. That's my gift to her. You won't have to run. You won't have to be separated from your daughter. You'll get the chance to see her grow and blossom. I wish nothing but happiness to her. And I know she will be happy. Because she has two parents that adore her and would do anything for her. I'm happy, because Klaus will get the chance to show his true self. His true loving and caring self. He is going to be a great father to your daughter. But, don't you ever try to get her away from him. You will destroy him. And we both know that it will not end well. And I'm also happy, because I know Elijah will be happy too. I feel guilty for the way I treated him, but I had no other option. I knew I was going to die and I also knew this was going to destroy him. We are soulmates. Or we were for that matter. I wanted to soften the blow for him, so when I noticed that he had feelings for you, no matter how hard it was for me, I decided that turning his attention towards you, was the best option I had. It's going to be a little difficult for him in the beginning, but since he has turned off his emotions for me, he is going to get over it quickly. I truly wish you to be happy together. Take care of him and give him the love he deserves. So, these are my final words. Once you have finished reading this letter, please send somebody to take my body from the church. I have already arranged for somebody to inform my family and friends. A couple of months ago I had bought a wedding dress. I had read somewhere that there is this custom in Greece to bury young unmarried women in a wedding dress. It's in the bottom of my closet. And for what it's worth, I want to be buried next to my parents' graves in Mystic Falls. In my home town.

I leave in peace, because I know my sacrifice was worth it. Take care of yourself and your daughter.


P.S.: The doll you are holding was my favourite toy as a child. I hope your daughter enjoys playing with it, as much as I did.

I sat on the armchair again, shocked at what I had just read. So, it was Cassandra that saved my daughter. She was still alive, because she had died taking her place to the other side. I suddenly felt guilty for all the bad things I had thought for her, not only a few moments ago, but also during all this time. I had misunderstood her. And my relationship with Elijah, it was all her doing. If she wanted to claim Elijah, she would have won. I looked at my beautiful girl and felt a weight on my chest.

I was thinking of the different ways to tell Elijah, when his screaming was heard from downstairs.

He knew.

Author's Note: Ok, so I think this is an appropriate time to explain some stuff. I've been reading your comments lately and I'm honestly surprised about the amount of hate Elijah receives (about Hayley, I'm not that surprised though...), but that's not the point. After 144 chapters, I would think that some of you would get the idea of what's going on in my head. Throughout the whole story, there was always a secret, something hidden that would turn everything upside-down. So, forgive me if I say that it is ridiculous to form an opinion about the whole story and its main characters without seeing the ending, especially when things go south. I admit my story was not a very happy one. But I never wanted to write a raibow/marshmallows/unicorn story. Nothing in life is perfect. There are good and bad moments. And sometimes bad moments are more than the happy ones. When I wrote this story I was not in a very good shape. Maybe that reflected upon my story. Upon Cassandra more specifically. Sorry, if that bothers some of you. Speaking of... Some of you might think that Cassandra was the victim in this story. That she loved Elijah and he betrayed her and broke her heart by having feelings for Hayley. Cassandra knew very well what was going to happen. She knew that she was going to die and that she would leave Elijah behind to suffer her loss. She loved him and she didn't want him to suffer. That's why she kept rejecting him over and over again. By doing so, the soulmate bond weakened over time. To spare him from the grief, she did everything in her power to make him cut all ties with her, so that when she died, he wouldn't suffer. She prefered to suffer herself than have him suffer. To my eyes, this is unconditional love, people. Did Elijah make some bad decisions? Of course he did. But, he is not the only one to blame. Cassandra wanted him to leave her. She wanted him to stop loving her. And to those that think Cassandra is just a victim of a man that didn't treat her right, I tell you this; Cassandra was only a victim of fate. She did the best she could knowing what was coming for her. She protected the man she loved. If you think I'm saying bullshit, then think about all these young people that die every day. Whether it's from an accident, a murder, a suicide.... So, if you continue to view her as a poor victim, an once-strong woman made weak by a man, then I'm sorry you couldn't see what I was truly trying to say through this story. Love unconditionally people... That's what will save the world...

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