#Funny Relevant / Irrelevant Moments

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#1 *Mom sees me watching The Vampire Diaries*

"I don't get why you like all that vampire stuff."  *says frowning*

"I just like it, mom..."

"Yes, but why?"

*I roll my eyes* "I just do, ok?"

"It doesn't make any sense..." *Mom says and leaves the room*

#2 *Mom sees me typing like crazy on my computer*

"What are you doing?"

"I'm writing my story, mom..." *I say not taking my eyes off the computer screen*

"And what is about?"

*I roll my eyes* "It's a long story, mom... I can't explain everything. It's based on The Vampire Diaries."

"The vampire TV show?"


"Don't you have anything else to write about? Why does it have to be about vampires?"

*rolls eyes again* "Because that's what I want to write about!"


#3 *Christmas holidays to my grandmother's house. I'm in the living room typing on my computer. My mom, my grandma and my little brother are in the room.*

"What are you writing all this time?" *grandma asks curiously*

"A story about vampires." *mom butts in*

"What?!?!?!" *grandma exclaims (she is a very religious person)*

"It's just a story, grandma..." *says continuing typing*

"Why do you write a story about vampires? That's stupid."

"I agree!" *mom butts in again*

*I roll my eyes*

#4 *Moms sees me typing again on my computer*

"I wonder where you got that writing talent. Definitely not from me." *my mom hates writing essays*

*I shrug*

"You must have got it from your father!" *my dad glares at her*

*I laugh my head off*

#5 *Mom walks in my room to leave some clothes and sees my crying my eyes out in front of my computer screen*

"What happened? Why are you crying?" *starting freaking out*

"I'm writing something..." *sniffs*

"Your story again?" *nods* "What is happening?"

"He leaves her..." *new wave of tears and sobs comes*

*mom rolls her eyes*

"Oh for God's sake calm down!"

*continues crying*

"You are totally mad..." *murmurs exiting the room*

#6 *Mom walks in and sees me crying my eyes out in front of my computer screen again*

*she observes me for awhile* "You are writing your story again?"

"Yes..." *crying*

"What happens?"

"She dies..." *sniffs and starts crying again*

"You are insane..." *says and walks out of the room*

#7 *Two months before my finals, with loads of homework and revision to do and I'm typing again on my computer. Mom walks in and sees me.*

"Don't you have homework to do?"

"I do, but I'm so close to finishing this story. I'll have to finish it otherwise I'll go crazy!"

*mom rolls her eyes* "If that makes you feel better..."

#8 *Finishes the story the same day and exits the room and goes to the kitchen to drink water*

"Did you finish it?" *mom asks*


"Thank God! Finally!"

*I roll my eyes*

#9 *After my finals are over, I'm in my room. Mom walks in and sees me typing again on my computer*

"What are you doing?"

"I'm writing a story."

"Hadn't you finished it?"

"This is a new one."

"Does it have vampires?"


*groans and exits the room*


Author's Note: Ok, last chance. I don't want to be annoying, but I just can't help it! Please send me questions for me to answer about anything you want for the next and last chapter, I'll be updating on this story. Love you all!!!

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