Chapter 89

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'We are arriving soon. Everyone is with me. We found out about something that concerns you.'

That was the message Alexander had send me. Matt arrived a few minutes later.

"Hey, what's going on?"

"Thank you, Matt. I owe you. Now, can you please drive me home?" I said getting in the car.

"No problem." He said and started driving. "Oh, I almost forgot. Happy birthday." He said giving a bright smile.

"Thank you, Matt." I said returning the smile. "Have you talked to Caroline?" I asked him, remembering my other best friend who was suffering at the moment.

"I talked to Elena. She told me what happened. I was heading there when you called. I suppose you know about her father." He said looking at me in a strange way.

"I was the first one to know." I replied calmly, looking at the road.

"I'm sorry, I just can't get use to the fact that you see visions that let's be real are not of the pleasant ones."

"Don't worry. I couldn't either, at first. I can't, even now, sometimes." I said looking absent-mindedly out of the car window.

"Here we are." He announced stopping outside my house.

"Thanks again. You saved me. Tell Caroline that I'm sorry and I will visit her later, ok?"

"Ok, see you later."

I smiled at him and got out of the car, getting into my house, as soon as possible. I went straight to my room and changed my clothes. I didn't want them to see me in a formal dress that would cause questions I wasn't ready to answer. So, I put something comfortable and waited for Alexander and my new family to arrive. My new family... I had spent only a few weeks with them and still I felt so close to them, like I have known them for years. I was pacing back and forth in my living room, like an animal in a cage.

 I was pacing back and forth in my living room, like an animal in a cage

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I thought centuries had passed by the time the doorbell rang. I rushed to open the door. There stood eighteen people smiling at me, everyone having something on their hands. I welcomed them, happier than ever. Maybe this birthday wasn't that awful, after all. It took me an eternity to greet everyone. The space of our small living room was hardly enough for all these people. My excitement couldn't be described. After exchanging our news, they started offering me their gifts. I had never gotten so many gifts in my life. Everyone had given me something according to their personality and to my liking. It was Alexander's turn.

"I'll give you first my present and then I'll give you Christa's." He said.

I waited excitedly to see what he had bought me

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I waited excitedly to see what he had bought me. Slowly, he took out of his jacket pocket a small box and handed it to me. I opened it, waiting to see what it was hiding. I remained speechless when I saw it. Alexander noticed my astonishment and a small smile spread across his face.

"The colour reminded me of your eyes. And I knew you had a special liking for hearts, so..." He left his sentence incomplete.

"Thank you." I responded, smiling broadly at him.

"Will you help me?" I said handing him the necklace. Carefully, the cold little heart touched my chest, but it felt warm to me.

"But , to be honest, I think you will have a little trouble with so many necklaces." Alexander pointed out.

I raised my eyebrow, not understanding what he wanted to say. To answer to my question he handed me a bag. From the weight of the bag, I assumed it contained something heavy. I looked at him wide-eyed, finally realizing the meaning of his words. I opened the bag quickly. I took out two wooden boxes. I opened the first one. There, I saw an amazing talisman, obviously bigger than the one we had found. I opened the other box shortly after. I stood still, looking in awe at the two talismans that belonged to two people I had never met, but were of the ones that loved me the most. I felt tears coming to my eyes, but I held them back. I touched one of the talismans and felt its strength filling me. I took a deep breath and looked at the others. They were looking at me in a... sympathetic way.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked them. No one answered. Everyone exchanged looks with each other. "What's going on?" I asked starting to worry. "Will anyone say something?" I half-yelled, having completely freaked out. Everyone looked at Alexander and nodded in unison.

"Look, Cassandra..." He started talking. I felt he wanted to tell me something that wasn't exactly the definition of the adjective pleasant. "You remember the text I sent you, right?"
"Of course. You said that you would arrive soon, along with everyone else and that you had found out about something important that concerned me. Is this, what all this is about?" I asked trying to figure out what was really going on.

"Yes..." He paused again.

"Alexander, speak clearly." I ordered. Taking a deep breath, he said only one phrase that made me freeze.

"We know who is hiding behind our fathers' death." I felt my heart stop beating. I had a difficulty in breathing too. Alexander's face was disfigured with concern. "Cassandra-"

"I'm fine." I cut him off, regaining my composure. "Who is behind our fathers' death?" I asked steadily. Alexander exchanged looks with the others again, before turning to me.

One word came out of his mouth and it was able to make me fall apart, internally.

Author's Note: I'm sure this is the worst cliffhanger so far!!! I'm such a terrible person!!! Hehehe *smiles evilly* So, now Cassandra knows who killed her father. I'm gonna ask the obvious question. How do you think did it??? Let me know in the comments below!!!! Love you all (even if I torture you once in a while...)

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