Chapter 85

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I hardly slept during the night. I knew that at any moment Elijah would wake up. Eventually, I woke up in the morning, after a seemingly endless night. I felt like I didn't have any sleep at all. I went downstairs, still yawning, to have a glass of orange juice. No sooner had I taken the first sip than my phone started ringing. I answered it, not really paying attention to who was calling.

"Hello?" I said.

"Happy birthday, honey." I heard my Granny saying. Tears came in my eyes. How could I have forgotten? Today was my birthday. And my parents' day of death.

"Thank you, Granny." I said in difficulty.

"How are you?" What should I answer now?

"Well, I'm good." She remained silent.

"Well, I'm happy to hear it. I'm sending your gift with Alexander."

"Wait, what? Alexander is coming?!?!?!" I shouted surprised.

"Yes, along with all your friends, I think."

On the one hand, I was beyond happy and on the other hand I was desperate. Elijah was awake and I was the one that had un-daggered him. Perfect! Just perfect!

"That's great!" I said, leaving my enthusiastic side to take over.

"I hope to see you soon."

"Me too Granny. You know, I have some things to arrange. I need to go." I said before I started crying. Again.

"Ok, honey. I love you."

"I love you too, Granny." I said and hung up. The next moment, I collapsed on the ground, crying my eyes out. Happy birthday... Ironic, isn't it? My phone rang again. It was Bonnie.

"Hey." I said.

"Happy birthday!" She said cheerfully.

"Thank you." I said less enthusiastically.

"Ok, what now?" She said perceiving my mood.

"Nothing, it's just my Granny called earlier and I can't forget the events that are related to my birth, so... I'm not in the best mood."

"I understand."

"How about you? How are things with your mom?"

"How do you think they are? I met this woman after 15 years. She betrayed me, abandoning me then and now she betrays me again making me reveal where the coffins are to a Klaus's hybrid, just to protect somebody that's not even her own blood."

"I understand how you feel..."

"Of course, I'm not mad at Jamie. He has no part in any of these."

"And you shouldn't. Jamie is the guy that your mom brought up, right?" I asked unsure.

"Yes. Anyway, I have to go. I have to open a mystery coffin. See you later."

"See you later." I murmured and hung up.

Only a couple of minutes had passed and my phone rang again. How can everyone remember my birthday, since even I wanted to forget it? Sighing, I stood up in difficulty from the ground and sat on the couch.


"Happy birthday!!!" Elena and Caroline cheered.

"Thank you, guys!" I said feeling a smile spreading on my face.

"So, are we going to throw a party tonight?" Caroline asked.

"No, I don't think so."

"But, why???" Caroline moaned.

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