Chapter 20

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Life was quite normal all these days... I would wake up in the morning, eat an amazing breakfast made by Alexa. Then I would go out for a walk with my Granny or alone. When I was alone I would think of what has happened the past few weeks... Sometimes it seemed unbelievable that there were vampires, werewolves, witches, even prophetesses. I was in a dilemma, whether it would be best to be just a crazy person or to be a prophetess...

Anyway, I hadn't seen any visions so far, which I assumed it was a good thing. My Granny hadn't told me yet, when we would come back. I think she didn't know either, as it was really hard for her to return to a town where she spent most of her time with her only best friend that now has passed away. But, all these days I had the feeling that something was going to happen. And unfortunately, I proved myself right once more...

It was midnight and I was sitting on my bed reading the prophetesses book again. My eyes were aching and eventually I decided to give up. I closed the lamp on my bedside table and laying down on my bed, wishing for a peaceful sleep, I closed my eyelashes...

I was in a hospital. I was wandering around the corridors and looking at the patients inside every room. I stopped when I saw Caroline in one. What could have happened to her? I was in her room, above her head, watching her sleeping peacefully. Suddenly, she woke up. She looked around (of course she couldn't see me) and focused on a dark figure leaning against the wall with her arms crossed.

"Who is it?" Caroline asked confused. The figure took a few steps forward to the light, revealing its real face.


"Hi, Caroline."

"What are you doing here?" She replied with a sigh.

Really, what was Elena doing at hospital in the middle of the night? Although something inside me told me this wasn't Elena.

"My name is Katherine. I was hoping you can give the Salvatore brothers a message for me."

"What are you talking about? What message?" Katherine leaned closer to Caroline.

"Game on!" She said simply and grabbed a pillow putting it on Caroline's face, smothering her.

"NO!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed.

I woke up, sweating and my heart was beating extremely fast, like it would jump out of my chest... I looked out of the window to realize the sun had just risen. My Granny got into my room probably because of my screaming, along with Alexa.

"Honey, what happened? Please honey tell me..."

"Caroline..." I mumbled in between my sobbing.

"What happened to Caroline?"

"Katherine... She killed her!" I said bursting into tears...

"Honey, come here..." She said hugging me tightly...

"You know that once a prophetess sees something, there is no way to change the result... You know that right?"

"Yes..." I mumbled.

"Could you please leave me alone for a little?"

"Ok, anything you want honey." She said and left the room with Alexa following her.

It was now or never. I stood up suddenly and started packing my suitcases. I wouldn't just stand here doing nothing. I knew there was no chance to change what would happen but I was planning to spend as much time as possible with my best friend. It was decided. I would go back in Mystic Falls and make everything I could to help them.

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