Chapter 54

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Cassie's P.O.V.

I was sitting in the living room, trying to do some homework, but I couldn't focus. I would be always distracted by the memory of my time with Elijah, this morning. I could still feel the warmth of his body next to me, the softness of his skin on mine, his vamping voice echoing somewhere far from me, how I felt when I was with him... I couldn't deny it anymore. When I was with him, I felt like I was complete. Like everything was where they belonged. What was I going to do?

I was so lost in my thoughts that I almost didn't hear the knock on my door.

What's wrong?

I knew for a fact that it wasn't Elena, Bonnie or Caroline, as they usually call me first. Then who was that? I opened the door and I was surprised to see Alexander.

"Alexander? What are you doing here?" I asked surprised.

"I called him." Elijah turned up behind him. I was shocked to see them both, standing on my doorstep, since I knew they hated each other. Because of me...

"What's going on here?" I asked them suspicious, narrowing my eyes.

"Pack up your things. We are leaving." Alexander stated.

"I don't understand..." I murmured.

"He wants you out of town during the ritual and so do I." He explained.

"We want you to be safe. And right now Mystic Falls it's not safe with Klaus's presence. So I suggest you should hurry up. Tomorrow is a full moon. He is probably planning to do the sacrifice." Elijah continued. I was standing there speechless. They had cooperated, even though they didn't know each other personally and hatred was a good word to describe how they were staring at each other.

"I can't leave. I have to stay with Elena. It will be difficult for her, especially when Jena knows everything about the vampires and there is a strong possibility I won't see her again."

"Why are you always so stubborn?!" Alexander exclaimed.

"Cassandra, please reconsider it. I want you to be safe. He wants that too. Think about your gift."

"Really? My gift? Believe me, if it was about my gift I would have given myself to Klaus in exchange for Elena, if that was possible."

"Cassandra..." Alexander frowned hearing Elijah calling me with my original name. I usually let only my family to call me like that.

"You can't force me to get out of this house. You can't get in."

"Yes, but I can." Alexander said.

"What?" I said the moment Alexander loaded me on his shoulder. "What the hell are you doing?" I shouted.

"I'm sorry Cassandra..." Elijah said before stubbing a needle in my arm. Almost immediately, everything went black.

Elijah's P.O.V.

"Are you sure we had to do this?" The boy that was in love with my Cassandra asked. I hated so much to be obliged to ask for his help.

"She wouldn't come. I might know Cassandra for a short period of time, but I know that her stubbornness can make even me lose my patience."

"What are we doing now?" His tone revealed nothing but hatred. I felt the same exactly.

"Since, you are the only one who has access to the house, I would suggest taking some of her belongings, while I'm putting her in your car." He agreed although he didn't like it at all.

Once I was left alone with her in my arms, a feeling of sorrow overtook me. Was that the right thing to do? Leaving her with him... But, I had to do that... For her... She wasn't safe here with Klaus being around. She had a target on her back and that because of Klaus's hatred towards me. I put her carefully in the car, trying to memorize everything about her. She seemed so peaceful, when she was sleeping. Would I ever she her again? I wasn't sure.

"I will always love you..." I whispered kissing her forehead.

Someone coughed behind me.

Go to hell... I thought.

"I assume everything is ready." Bitterness was clear in my tone.

"Yes, everything has been arranged." He replied his voice revealing the same thing. I didn't care.

"Keep her safe." I said looking him straight in the eye, taking a step forward.

"She will be safer with me than she will be with you."

"I know. And because of that I chose to trust you. Please don't make me regret for taking this decision."

"I don't care what you think. The only think I want is her to be safe and away from you." He was a worthy opponent, I had to admit.

"If that's what is needed to keep her safe, then I will back off. But, remember that I've been living for quite a while, so I tell you this. Her feelings will never change. For both of us." He looked at me intensely and then moved past me like I didn't exist. The war hadn't come to an end yet.

But, I knew I had won this small battle.

Then, why was he leaving with my girl?

Author's Note: Did you expect that??? Hehehehe..... I'm sure you didn't!!! Congratualtions to obsessivereader0893 for guessing it right!!!! You really are in my mind girl!!! I would love to hear your opinion not only about this chapter, but also for this story!!! Please comment!!! :-)

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