Chapter 148

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Cassie's P.O.V.

The passing to the other side was not so difficult or painful as I imagined. For me at least. Bonnie suffered a lot though. It was already dark and my grandmother had just returned from where she was for the past few hours. It was time to take my body. It was so strange. Watching everyone and everything around me and not be noticed. I guess that's what happens when you die. I didn't have that in mind though, when I died. I was put in a Mikaelson family coffin to my surprise. I could see Alexander's clenched jaw and hateful glares towards Elijah and I knew that he was barely holding himself from attacking Elijah again, out of respect for my grandmother. I never thought that my death would bring so much pain to so many people. I guess I hadn't realized what I had. Death gives you another perspective of life, considering you are no longer part of it.

Elijah was looking at my coffin with clenched jaw too. I thought that... It would be better if he was with Hayley when it happened, but I only managed to make things even worse for him. For both of us. But, I could do nothing to change my actions now. I went by his side and placed my hand on his shoulder. Of course he didn't feel a thing.

"I'm so sorry my love..." I whispered leaning my head on his arm. "I'm so sorry..." I repeated, feeling the salty tears running down my cheeks.

My coffin was placed at the back of Alexander's car. I turned around facing the Mikaelson family for one last time. Rebekah, my sister for life... Klaus, the big brother I never had... Hayley and the baby... I hoped the little girl's fate was better than mine. And Elijah... The love of my life... I could see his effort to remain calm, but I knew him too well. He was falling apart inside.

"I'm so sorry, my love. I wish there was another way..." I whispered in the air, although no one could hear me.

I sat at the back of the car, next to my coffin, which was weird and creepy at the same time. Alexander got in, soon followed by my Granny. He turned on the engine and was about to drive away when my Granny spoke up.

"Alexander, before we get back to Mystic Falls, I need you to do one thing for me." She said calmly.

"Of course, Christa. Whatever you want."

"Start driving and I will tell you were to go. I've already informed the others not to wait for us and head back to Mystic Falls." Alexander nodded once, immediately complying to my Granny's will.

The root we took seemed familiar. Only when we reached the destination, I realized why. We were outside Saint Anna's church. What the hell did my Granny want to do here? Alexander gave voice to my thoughts.

"Christa? What are we doing here?" My Granny took a deep breath.

"You'll see. Just take Cassandra's coffin and bring it inside." She instructed and headed inside.

Alexander hesitated, but did as he was told. I quickly followed my Granny inside curious of what she was planning to do. Surprised I found her talking to Davina when I entered the church. The same reaction had Alexander too, but there was something different. His look was familiar, but I couldn't tell how. I turned to look at Davina who was staring at Alexander, as intensely as he did. What was going on here?

"Alexander, please come forward." My Granny said and Alexander obliged immediately, bringing my coffin to the centre of the church, near the altar. "Davina, you may proceed." My Granny continued, turning to the young witch.

"Hold on a second! What is going on here?" Alexander said after snapping out of his daydream.

"What is happening Alexander, is that I'm not going to let my granddaughter suffer a fate that should have never been laid upon her."

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