Chapter 46

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Elena's P.O.V.

Safe in Stefan's arms, I exhaled relieved. Elijah was lying dead beside me with a dagger in his heart. It was over. For the time being...

"Note tip. Don't pull the dagger out." Damon said looking at Elijah. Stefan helped me to stand on my feet, since I was exhausted by my suicide attempt. "I wonder how fortune teller has reacted."

"What do you mean?" I said hearing him referring to Cassie. He never called her with her name.

"Well, the last time we daggered Elijah, she fell to the floor, screaming in pain, her hand on her heart. She fainted and then she woke up a few minutes after." He said like nothing had happened.

"And you say it just like that?" I snapped at him angry.

"What did you expect me to do? Burst into tears?" I turned my back at him and looked at Stefan.

"We have to find her to see if she is ok." I pleaded him.

"Yes, Elena, of course."

We were on the road heading back to Mystic Falls. I had called Cassie million times. But, she didn't pick it up. I was now really worried. What if she died too along with Elijah? What if we had to pull the dagger of Elijah to wake her up? And most importantly why did she felt the dagger in Elijah's heart? Maybe, Dr. Martin had done a spell to connect them. Cassie, Cassie, Cassie...!

"She will be fine." Stefan said holding my hand.

"I hope so..."

We had no clue on where Cassie was, so we decided to start looking from her house.

"It's dark inside. I don't think she is here." Damon said. He didn't care at all about her. I hated it so much when he was behaving like an ass.

"We don't lose anything if we search." I replied calmly.

"And how are we going to get inside?"

"I have keys." I said opening the door with the keys Cassie had given to me in case of an emergency.

Such as now. I got in and everything was dark. But, there was only one source of light. The TV... I thought and run into the living room.

"Oh my God Cassie!!!!" I screamed seeing her lying on the floor unconscious. "Please Cassie wake up! Wake up!" I screamed shaking her. "Please, Cassie, please..." I mumbled now tears streaming down my cheeks. What had I done?

"Elena! Elena!" Stefan was shouting from outside. I hadn't heard him earlier.

"Stefan..." I cried taking Cassie in my arms.

"What's happening Elena?"

"She is unconscious. She seems to be... dead!" I cried again.

"She is not. I can hear her heart beat."

"Then why isn't she moving? Or breathing?" I asked panicked.

"I don't know." He replied honestly.

"What are we going to do now?" He continued.

"There is only one thing we can do." I replied.

"No!!!! That's a bad idea!" Damon interrupted.

"We don't need the fortune teller anyways." He continued which only made me even angrier.

"Her name is Cassie and she is my best friend." I replied steadily.

"Ok, if that's what you want." Stefan compromised.

"We will regret this." Damon hissed.

"I don't care! She is my best friend! She was there when I needed her! She protected me! She looked after me! I can't leave her!!!"

"Ok, I'm going to pull the dagger out of Elijah's chest." Stefan said, with Damon's complaints being heard from what seemed a long distance to me. Out of the blue, Cassie popped up and gasped for air.

"Stefan did you do it?" I yelled.

"I didn't do anything." He yelled back.

"Cassie! Cassie!" I exclaimed. Her eyes adjusted on me.

"Cassie..." I murmured.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Are you ok? Why are you here?"

"I'm fine Cassie. Elijah is dead. And Damon told me your first reaction to it and I was worried sick. When I came here I found you on the floor. I'm so glad you are ok!!!" I exclaimed, hugging her tightly. She hugged me back weakly.

"Is everything alright?" Stefan asked from outdoors.

"It seems so." I replied.

"Can you help me get up?" Cassie asked me.

"Yeah, of course." I said grabbing her gently and helping her stand on her feet. "To your bedroom?" I asked. She just nodded. It must have been a pretty awful experience for her. It was pretty obvious from her eyes. "Come on." I said.

"I can help, if you let me in." Stefan said, once we reached the stairs which were opposite from the door.

"It's ok, Stefan. Thank you, but no thank you." Cassie said, going upstairs on her own.

I gave an apologetic look to Stefan who nodded understanding. I went upstairs to check on Cassie. She was already in her pajamas and sitting on her bed.

"What's wrong? I thought you liked Stefan."

"I do like him. And I still think you guys are made for each other, but that doesn't change the fact he is a vampire. And I would like to consider it twice before letting him in. Vampires are unpredictable."

"And how do you know that?" I asked her.

"I just know it." She said with a blank expression.

"Cassie, I'm worried. Have you seen a vision?"


"Then what?"

"It's difficult to talk about it." She said pointing outside.

"Oh." I mumbled, finally understanding what she meant. She didn't want Stefan and Damon to hear. Especially Damon.

"Tomorrow. My place. Girls night. Be there?"

"Absolutely." She said slightly smiling.

"Goodnight." I said hugging her and leaving her room.

Cassie's P.O.V.

Once Elena left, I was left alone. Again. More scared than ever, I lay in my bed, curling into a ball. What the hell was happening to me? Why had I this connection with Elijah? And why I was feeling like I was dead too? So lonely and cold and... I sighed, letting the tears escape my eyes. I wanted so badly to share this with my friends. But what if they don't understand? What if they think I'm an enemy to them?

Please God, help me...

Author's Note: So, this is it.... In the next chapter ***SPOILER ALERT*** Cassie is going to talk to her friends about her connection to Elijah. How do you think they will react???

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