Chapter 96

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Elijah's P.O.V.

Cassandra collapsed in my arms. I held her tightly. I didn't want to resort in such means, but I had to. I lifted her bridal style and got in her house, passing the living room and heading upstairs to her bedroom. I placed her gently on her bed and covered her with the blanket. She was sleeping. Earlier, when she told me that she cared only about the future and especially a future involving me, I knew I had to protect her. When I went home to change I accidentally found a piece of burned sage. My mother was doing a privacy spell. That in combination with Elena's lie last night made me be extremely suspicious about my mother's true intentions. I had to find out what was really going on. And there was only one person that held the answer.

All I wanted was to protect Cassandra. But, she wouldn't agree with my methods. I placed a kiss on her forehead and then left. I was driving like a madman, but approaching Elena's house, I slowed down. I parked outside and got out of my car. For a minute I hesitated, but I decided I had to do this. I was obliged to. I would never forgive myself if I let anything happen to Cassandra. I took a deep breath and headed to Elena's front porch. I rang the doorbell and waited for her to come and open the door. Soon enough, the door opened and Elena seemed surprised to see me. Or shocked? Her heart started beating faster.

"Elena." I said in a steady voice.

"Elijah." She replied trying not to show her nervousness.

"I don't mean to intrude. I was hoping you might accompany me." I made a pause. Elena looked more nervous by the second. "I want to show you something." She agreed to come with me, although she was hesitant about it.

I drove to the woods to a place I had a long time to visit. "I forgot how much I missed this land." I said getting out of the car gazing around the woods.

"I can't even imagine how it had been like a thousand years ago." Elena said.

"You know, your school was built over an Indian village. There I saw my first werewolf. The town square was where the natives were gathered to worship. In the matter of fact, near there was a field where wild horses used to graze."

Thousands of memories came flooding back, making me reminisce the time I was a human. Things would be much easier if I was human. Cassandra wouldn't be in such a terrible danger and she definitely wouldn't be in such a difficult position, between me and her friends.

"Have you shared all these with Cassie?"

"No, I haven't. But, I would love to."

"Have you seen her?" Elena asked, before I could even finish my sentence properly.

"Yes. We spent the night together." I explained watching her reaction. She seemed guilty.

"Is she ok?"

"She seemed fine. I left her at her home. She had something to arrange." I lied. Elena just nodded. "Come." I urged her. I smiled seeing the familiar huge rocks in front of us. It had been ages...

"Do you know this place too?" Elena asked interrupting my thoughts.

"I do." I replied placing my hand on the cold surface of the rock. "Below of us there is a cave where I used to play as a boy. It connects with a system of tunnels that stretch across the entire area. That's nature's way of providing us with shelter against the cruelty of the full moon." I could sense her moving nervously behind me. "My mother said there must be a balance." I continued.

"Elijah, I should probably go home." Elena said with a trembling voice.

"I admire you, Elena." I said standing up from the ground. "You remind me of qualities I valued long before our mother turned us. It's not in your nature to be deceitful and yet, when I asked about your meeting with my mother the other night you lied to my face." I was still not making eye contact with her, but I really wanted to see her expression.

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