Chapter 44

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"Is my presence that unpleasant to you?"

No, no, no!!! My heart was yelling at me, but my mind managed to function properly.

"You can't imagine how." ...angry I am for wanting you here.

Of course I didn't say the last part out loud. A wave of sadness passed through his eyes, but immediately wore off.

"I see." He mumbled and left me alone.

A sting of pain pierced through my heart, as I watched him leaving, but I ignored it. I had to. Nothing good could happen between me and Elijah anyways. He is a vampire and I'm a human. A special human actually that is not willing to be transformed into any kind of monster. And as much as I didn't want to admit, he might be the enemy as well. Currently, everyone was at the table discussing about history. I was just picking at my food and didn't pay attention at all. And they didn't pay attention to me either.

"I have to say Jena the food is amazing!" Elijah complemented.

Why does it have blood? I thought sarcastically.

"Well, as much as I would like to take the credit for it, Cassie was the one to prepare everything."

"Really?" He asked his brown eyes landing on me.

"Well, my grandmother thought it would be good to know to cook." He smiled. They continued talking and I didn't bother catching up with the conversation.

If everyone hadn't stood up, I would have remained frozen at my place.

"The gentlemen should take their drinks in the study." Andy suggested.

"I have to say that the food was almost as wonderful as the company." Elijah said looking at me. I didn't say anything and avoided his gaze.

"I like you." Andy answered for me.

How close you are...

And then Elijah and Damon left the room. I didn't like that... Although my instinct was yelling at me to follow them, I just ignored it and continued helping at the table.

Ric was fighting with John when he received a phone call. He seemed rather upset.

"What's going on?" I mouthed at him.

"Damon." He replied in the same way. He took Andy and me to 'break into' the study and stop Damon's plan.

"Gentlemen, we forgot about dessert." Ric interrupted just in time.

"Elijah?" Andy offered her hand. He glanced at me and then took Andy's hand smiling.

Damn! Why do I have to be jealous? He is not even my boyfriend!!!

I looked at Damon angrily and turned around exiting the room.

I returned in the dining room where Jena was serving tea.

"May I have a cup?"

"Of course Cassie." It would help me calm down my nerves.

"Sorry, but the dessert takes longer than I thought. I usually just unwrap food. And I wanted to do something myself rather than draw on Cassie's help again."

"You know Jena I'm always willing to help you."

"I know and I'm grateful, but I have a pride too, you know." I laughed.

"So, I know this is a social thing, but I would really love to make some questions about the work that you're doing here." Andy said to Elijah.

"Well, I would love to answer."

"My pride has run away. Cassie will you help me?" Jena said entering the room blushing like crazy, causing everyone's laughter.

"Of course Jena." I stood up and before I get in the kitchen, I caught Elijah staring at me. I didn't respond in any way and focused on helping Jena.

Giving the proper advices to Jena about the dessert, I returned in the dining room. I don't know if I had done well. Because as soon as I entered the room, Ric stabbed Elijah with a dagger. He screamed. He wasn't the only one. I fell on the floor from the pain I felt, when the dagger went through Elijah's heart. I had never felt so much pain in my entire life. It was just like I had a dagger in my own heart. Elijah looking at me shocked was the last thing I saw before everything went dark.

Author's Note: I know small chapter, but... So, what do you think happened to Cassie???

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