Chapter 149

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Klaus's P.O.V.

It'd been a week since Cassandra's death. We rarely saw Elijah anymore. He was spending most of his time in his room. I was really worried about him. Rebekah had left the day after Cassandra's family left along with her body. She tried to persuade Elijah to join her, but she couldn't change his mind. He wanted to stay alone. And as for me... I watched everyday my beautiful daughter grow and whenever I looked at her I was reminded of the young sweet girl that gave her life for her to live.

It was another peaceful night. Silence consumed the compound and I was alone, sitting on a coach and drinking scotch. I was trying to clear my head, when the noise of heals tapping on the pavement echoed throughout the compound. I quickly stood up alerted, my instinct telling me something was very wrong. Soon enough, a flock of redhead women made their entrance in the compound, leaving me speechless, from the similarity they shared with Cassandra. They must have been other prophetesses. They stopped only a few feet away from me. Their expressions revealed only anger and I was not sure why. But, I was guessing that the reason for them being here was Cassandra.

We stared at each other for a few moments, before I decided to speak up. "Not intending to be rude, but may I ask what the hell you are doing in my home, without my permission?" A woman smirked at my question and took a few steps forward.

"Klaus Mikaelson. We know what you have done." I raised my eyebrows.

"What exactly are you referring to? I've done a lot of things in the last ten centuries." I replied mockingly.

"We know what you did. I saw it with my own eyes." I scoffed.

"Funny thing. I don't recall ever seeing you." I said pointing at her.

"Then let me introduce myself. I'm Arianna and I'm the leader of The Council. A group consisted of women possessing the magnificent gift of foretelling. We take care of our own and make sure that our visions are used for a good cause. For centuries, we've lived in peace with the others, but the last 100 years our kind has seen its numbers being decreased with a rate that's never been noted before. As a result, only one woman was left to conceive a child and save us. Our last hope. Our last prophetess. Cassandra Marie Christa Gold." I was right. They were here for Cassandra. I had a bad feeling about this. "And you Klaus Mikaelson, you sore a war against our kind when you killed our last prophetess." My eyes grew wide from astonishment.

"I did what?"

"Admit it, Klaus! You did it! You killed her! I saw it! I had a vision of you killing her!"

"I guess prophetesses can be wrong after all. Because I didn't do what you are accusing me of. I would never hurt Cassandra!"

"Do you see that my beloved sisters?" Arianna turned her back to me and talked to the women following her. "Do you see how he denies everything? Do you see how much respect he holds for our kind? For our gift? He took away from us the only chance we had to survive. And he has the nerve to lie in our face!" She turned her piercing gaze on me again.

"And you are here because..."

That woman had started annoying me and that was never a good thing. Unfortunately, due to the prophetess's curse, I could not kill her. Maybe, I would compel somebody to do it for me.

"You deprived us from the right to continue our generation. As an exchange for your actions, we will do the same to you. We are here for your daughter."

I immediately tensed. Nobody would hurt Hope. Not while I was still alive. If these lunatic prophetesses were willing to drag this out that far, then so be it. I would kill them myself even if I had to suffer from the curse for all eternity. My eyes had started darkening and the veins under them made their appearance, as an animalistic growl came from the depths of my throat. I was about to attack, when a female voice stopped me.

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