Chapter 93

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Cassie's P.O.V.

I had lost. And Esther had won. Not without help, of course. This ball was coming to an end and I couldn't wait to leave. I wanted to spend as much time as possible with Elijah, before we both died.

"Are you ok?" He asked me concerned.

"No." I replied honestly.

"There is something wrong. I can see it in your eyes. Talk to me, I can make it right."

"Do you know what I want?" I asked.

"What, my love?"

"I want you to get me out of here."

"I will. Let me get your coat." He said and before disappearing there was a loud noise heard from outside. "What again?" He wondered. I followed him outside.

"Oh God!" I said shocked. At the front yard, there was Damon lying on top of a body. And then I realized it was Kol. They must have been fighting. Elena appeared right next to me.

"Damon! Are you crazy?" Stefan asked his brother.

"Maybe a little." He admitted. "Far be it for me to cause a problem." He said looking at Elena. So she was responsible for his actions. She must have said or done something that upset Damon. And an upset Damon is not good for anyone.

Damon left walking while the others helped to put Kol inside. "I'll have to deal with this. I'm so sorry..."

"Don't worry about it. Go. I'll wait here." He smiled and left, leaving me and Elena alone. "So, it seems that Damon's good side has run away. What a shame... I had actually started to tolerate him..." She didn't reply. "I wonder what made him change like that so quickly. The one minute he wants to be your bodyguard and the other he creates a mess. It must have been very serious..." I continued.

"Look, Cassie, I know you know, but-"

"You can't live without ruining someone's life, can you?" I said before I could even think.

"What?" She said shocked and hurt. But, I didn't take it back.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about... I know your life has been a hell since Klaus was involved... But, this? I understand you want him out of your life. But, what annoys me the most is that you didn't even get in trouble to negotiate. Not for Elijah, but for your friend. For me. You could have tried to get him out of this. But, you didn't. You preferred to sign his death sentence, along with mine." I finished. My voice was raised at the end.

"What do you mean?" Elena asked playing innocent.

"Come on. Please don't tell me you don't remember! When I told you about Elijah and I, that we were soulmates, didn't I tell you that there is no way they can't be together? That if one goes then the other will follow?"

"God, Cassie. I had forgotten it. I'm so sorry..." She took a step closer to me. I took a step back.

"Keep your apologies for yourself Elena..." I said angrily.

"I understand you are angry. But, if I asked for someone to be excepted then they might want revenge and my family may be in danger."

"I have eighteen vampire hunters on the line, dying to take revenge for their families. We would have protected you. I would have protected you." I emphasized the word 'I'.

"What are you going to do now?"

"I tried to change Esther's mind. I failed. So, I'm going to spend my last few hours with the man I love."

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