Chapter 45

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Noises. Talking. Someone was talking. Not only one, but a lot of people. At first, I hadn't realized where I was or why I had fallen unconscious. Then, I remembered. I opened my eyes to face a very worried Jena, a smirking Damon, a curious Ric and a uninterested John.

"Cassie, are you ok?" Jena asked me looking me in the eyes.

"Yeah, perfectly fine." I said attempting to stand up.

"No, don't stand up. I'll call a doctor." Jena stopped me.

"No, Jena there is no need. I'm fine."


"Jena!" I cut her off.

"As you please." She said standing up and going to the kitchen.

"Where is Elijah?" I asked no one particularly.

"Worried for your boyfriend?" Damon asked ironically.

"He is not my boyfriend!" I stated.

"Well then, explain us why you screamed in pain and fell on the floor with your hand in your heart, the moment Ric daggered Elijah, eh?"

"I don't know." I replied honestly.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure." I said looking at him angrily.

"I need to leave." I continued.

"No one is holding you."

"Where do you have him?" I asked ignoring his last comment.

"In the basement. Come on. I think you have the right to see your boyfriend one last time."

"Shut up Damon!"

"Yeah, whatever." He said leading me in a room in the basement, while I was wearing my coat.

When I saw Elijah's body, I gasped shocked. He was lying there, unconscious, his skin was a deathly grey and... he looked indeed dead. I thought my heart had stopped for a second.

"I'll leave you two to express your love for each other."

I ignored Damon and took some steps forward. But, what was worrying me was I didn't even have a vision. And what was worrying me even more was that I had felt the dagger in Elijah's heart, in my own. As if our hearts were one. I sighed and knelt down beside him. But, I didn't feel kind of... dead at all. I felt as if I was reborn.

I'm going crazy... You need a break Cassie!

Looking right now at Elijah, I felt sorry for him. I extended my hand and touch his skin. It was rough and the veins were standing out. I continued with his hair. In contrast with his skin, his hair still felt kind of soft. I was always wondering how it felt like. My last destination was his lips. These lips I could have kissed earlier. But, no, I did the right thing depressing the urge to kiss him. I stood up and headed to the door, feeling ready to say goodbye. That's why I didn't see what was coming.

Out of the blue, I was pinned to the wall, with a hand pressing hard my throat. I opened my eyes to face a very furious Elijah. As soon as, he realized it was me, he loosened his grip. I sighed in relief and when I was about to talk, he put gently his finger on my lips, indicating to keep quiet. I nodded, lost in his brown eyes. Before, I could even realize it, he grabbed me by the waist and held my close to his chest, leaving the Salvatore house behind us, running with his vampire speed.

I was holding tightly by his shirt, terrified. I was so close to him that I could smell his sent. He smelled so good...

Cassie! He is about to kill you and you are thinking he smells good??? What's wrong with you girl??? A voice in my head brought me into reality.

He was going to kill me. I was sure about that. He had told Damon earlier, that he would kill everyone.

"You can leave my shirt now." He said.

His voice was so gentle and careful, that I couldn't help but wonder; is every killer like that before the murder? Sighing I left his shirt and stared at the ground, not daring to look at him in the eyes. I was just hoping to make it quickly.

"Why are you staring at the ground?"

"Please, just get over with it."

"Get over with what?"

"Killing me." I replied still looking at the ground my hand crossed in my chest.

He laughed. I raised my head to look at him confused. He smiled looking at my expression.

"I would harm anyone, literally anyone, except you." I raised an eyebrow at his words.

"But earlier you said..."

"I said what I said because I wasn't aware of your presence. But, I tell you this. As much as I was determined not to harm you when I first saw you, I'm determined now more than ever not to let anything or anyone harm you in any way, including myself, after what I found out about you and your family."

"I was sure you would find out sometime soon."

"You are a prophetess, aren't you?" He questioned.

"I'm the last one actually." His look showed nothing but astonishment.

"How does it work?" He asked me, his voice clearly depicting his interest.

"I think it's not the right time or place to have this conversation."

"You are right. I have something more important to do first." He said opening a door.

Inside the apartment there was the man I had seen talking with Bonnie at the memorial. Dr. Martin, if I was right.

"I need you to find Elena. Now." Elijah's calmness scared me.


"Don't worry." He said even more calmly, if that was possible.

When, Dr. Martin casted the tracking spell and informed Elijah where Elena was, he immediately left, dragging me along with him.

"Elijah what are you going to do?" He didn't answer, instead he grabbed me again by my waist and held my on his chest. Using his vampire speed, we arrived at my home in the flash.

"What's going on Elijah? What are you going to do?"

"Something I should have done from the very beginning." He replied and before realizing it...

... he was gone.

Author's Note: Hi!!!!!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!! It's one of my favourite moments of Cassie and Elijah!!!! So, you'll probably know that I have an account on Polyvore and there was this book cover competition, so I decided to make a cover of Foreseen!!!!!! You can visit my profile and check it out!!!! Just to remind you that my profile name is evaki498. (surprise, surprise....)

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