Chapter 123

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Elijah's P.O.V.

I returned to the house after my encounter with Agnes and her followers. It was oddly silent. "Hayley?" I shouted, but there was no reply. What now?! I thought annoyed. I went up to her bedroom, perhaps she was sleeping. But, I found it empty. I searched the whole upper floor, but still neither Hayley nor Cassandra, were there. Where are they? I descended the stairs, continuing my search downstairs. Still there was no sign of them. I went to the backyard to see if they were there. When, I arrived I saw a familiar female figure, lying on the ground unconscious. "Cassandra!" I shouted rushing to her side.

I kneeled on the ground next to her, trying to see if she was breathing, but I couldn't hear her heart. "Please, don't leave me..." I whispered. I took her in my arms, not knowing what to do.

"What happened?" Niklaus asked appearing from inside.

"I can't hear her heart, brother, I..." I said desperate.

"No. Listen carefully. Her heart is still beating. But, it's very weak. I don't think I have heard a heartbeat like this in my life." I focused again and I managed to hear a very slow and almost quiet heartbeat. Niklaus was right. It was a miracle she was still alive. "Let's get her upstairs." Niklaus suggested and I followed his instructions like a robot. I lifted her in my arms and carried her upstairs to her room. I placed her on her bed.

"She is very cold." I noticed.

"It's because of her slow heart rate. What happened? Why is she like this?" Klaus replied.

"She performed some kind of spell to help Hayley. She was transferring her energy to her, something like that. Sophie had warned her that the spell might kill her. She didn't listen." Klaus shook his head.

"She endangered her life for my child once more." He whispered more to himself. "Where is Hayley?" He asked shortly after.

All of sudden, I remembered the reason I was here in the first place. "I don't know. She is missing. I only found Cassandra." Klaus cursed under his breath.

"Marcel was here." I turned to look at him worried.

"What are we going to do now?"

"Let's go and ask Marcel."

"We will leave her alone?"

"She is a tough girl. She will be fine, brother." I looked at Cassandra hesitantly for one moment.

"Ok." I agreed.

"Alright, then, let's go." I waited for a moment and then I leaned down and kissed Cassandra's forehead. If she knew what I had done, she would kill me. But, I didn't care.

"Let's go." I said turning to Niklaus and exiting the room along with him.

Cassie's P.O.V.

When I woke up, I found myself in my bedroom. I had no idea how I got there. The sun was slowly rising in the sky and I had no clue what happened last night. I tried to remember the last thing I did last night.


Rebekah was gone and I was left alone with Hayley again. I went at the backyard to make the phone call I had been thinking to do, this entire time. No matter how things ended up, I was really scared seeing Hayley like this. This baby hadn't been born yet and she had already enemies ready to kill her. She needed protection. And that's why I was here. I dialled the number and waited for a reply.

"Hello?" The familiar female voice said from the other end of the line.

"Venus, it's me, Cassandra."

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