Chapter 134

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The whole compound was in alert. Elijah was in charge. After our conversation/fight last night, we didn't talk much. In fact, we did everything we could to avoid each other. Elijah was constantly out looking for any clues of where Klaus and Rebekah might be, while I stayed in the compound with Hayley, watching her. What Elijah and I had it was far too complicated to deal with at the present moment.

He was out all morning and I forced myself not to think of him. Not to think of what he had told me last night. Because everything was a lie. A very well fabricated lie.

"Hayley! Cassandra!"

His voice made me snap out of my thoughts. He was back and since he called me that meant I had to meet him. Lucky me. I turned to look at Hayley who was sitting next to me. She had already stood up and was heading to the study room. I sighed and followed her.

"Elijah, you are back! Did you find... anything?" She stopped abruptly while saying the last word.

Curious, I followed her gaze and found myself looking at a very strange sight... Well, strange is relative. Elijah was standing there, in the middle of the study room, shirtless with some weird tattoos covering his chest and arms. I didn't know what I was most shocked about. The tattoos or Elijah's body? It was the first time I saw him without wearing anything from the waist and above. Cassie, control your drooling!!! I shouted to myself.

"Cassandra?" Elijah's voice snapped me out of my thoughts once again, returning to reality, now facing Elijah, Marcel and Hayley staring at me intensely.

"What?" I asked innocently, although I was sure I was blushing like crazy, which showed my guilt.

"Are you ok?" He continued.

"Yeah ,why?" I continued to play innocent.

"You've been a little... off." Hayley explained making a weird gesture.

I frowned not understanding, but then I realized the obvious. They thought I was about to see a vision. "Ah, no, no... no vision... for now." I rushed to say. They all seemed very relieved to hear it. "If you wanted to know how my name is spelled to tattoo yourself, you should have asked, instead of making all these false attempts." I joked trying to lighten the mood. A small smile appeared on Elijah's face, while Hayley seemed like she didn't like my joke very much.

"Honestly, I'm glad that your name is not included."

"What are these?" I asked, still observing the tattoos.

"I believe these are the names of the women Celeste inhabited for the past two centuries." I frowned. It must have been horrible. Having your life taken away like that...

"It's old school kind of riddle. The witches use it to teach their kids. Solve it and it disappears." Marcel explained.

"Why? What's the point?" Hayley asked.

"Celeste forced me to make a choice between yourself and my siblings and now she means to mock that choice, taunting me with a childish game... The longer the game, the more they suffer. To find Niklaus and Rebekah we need to solve this riddle." I sighed. This was getting really weird. "That's why I need your help." Elijah then said turning to me. I just looked at him, not saying anything. "Hayley will make a list of these names, but I need you to have a look at them too." I remained silent, a fact that he misinterpreted. "I know that I'm asking a lot from you and that I'm putting you in a difficult position, but please I'm begging you. Can you do this for me?" His tone was desperate.

"I would do it anyway. You don't have to beg me." I replied coming closer to him.

I looked in his eyes for a brief moment, before placing my finger on top of one of the names that was just above his heart. The moment my finger touched his skin and piercing pain went truth my skull, causing me to scream and fall on my knees, holding my head.

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