Chapter 63

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I exited the mansion as fast as I could. I didn't even turn to look at the woman who tried to make up for her previous behaviour by saying politely goodbye. The only thing I wanted now more than ever, was to leave from here as soon as I could. And by here I meant Italy and not just the mansion. I was almost running while crossing the huge garden. I hoped the others had followed my instructions, even if they had to leave.

Finally, after what seemed to be an eternity, I reached the massive rail doors and I was glad to leave them behind me, for good as I hoped. I turned my head left and right and I spotted the cars a bit further. I ran immediately to that direction. They were all outside of them, waiting for me.

"Didn't I say to stay in the cars?" I shouted when I was close enough.

"What happened? You seem upset." Beatriz noticed.

"It doesn't matter right now. We have to leave immediately."

"But, what happened?" Vladimir asked.

"We have to leave from here, Italy to be exact. Now!"

My tone made them realize that something bad was happening, so everyone got into the cars without saying another word. The moment we passed in front of the rail doors, I felt Arianna's eyes on me. I knew she was watching as from the window.

"Make sure no one is following us." I said to Antonio who just nodded. Everyone had sensed my flutter that's why they were doing everything I said.

"The others are asking where we are going." Carmela informed me.

"We must get out of Italy before it gets dark." She nodded and informed the others.

Iphigenia and Alexander were staring at me intensely the whole time, but I wasn't in the mood for talking. I just wished to be left along for a little bit. They probably apprehended this desire of mine and left me alone, without any more questions.

After an hour or so, we were at the airport where I explained everything to them. They kept staring at me for a couple of minutes, unable to believe what I had just told them.

"So you say that she threatened to hurt all your friends if you don't have children?" Iphigenia asked in disbelief.

"Pretty much." I replied.

"That's horrible." Eva commented.

"You tell me."

"So what are we going to do now?" Alexander asked.

"Since, summer is almost over and I'll have to go back to Mystic Falls, as I failed terribly in graduating earlier, since I had all this supernatural issues, I suggest that you all go back to your birth places. As that old lady told us, the talisman gives physical strength to those who wear it."

"But, we found only one." Milena pointed out.

"That's right. When Arianna showed me that book, there was somewhere written that each warrior made sure to make as many talismans as his children were. I'm sure you will find another one."

"What about you?" Carmela asked.

"Well, the three of us, are going to a short trip in Greece." I said pointing at Alexander, Iphigenia and I.

"Good luck, Cassandra. We hope to find what you seek." Carmela spoke on behalf of everyone.

"Thank you. And be careful."

"We will." She replied and left along with others to catch their flights.

"Are you sure about this?" Alexander asked me.

"Yes, I am." I said more sure than ever.

"It's time for the truth to be told." He nodded. I was sick of all these lies. I was determined to learn the truth and very soon actually.

"When is the next flight to Greece?" I asked.

"In a couple of hours." Iphigenia said.

"Good. Let's go shopping now. It seems like ages since the last time, I had the pleasure to waste some money." I said causing Iphigenia to laugh.

"Well, I'll stay here. You should go and have fun." Alexander said, arms raised backing down. We burst into laughter.

"You are not going to get away so easily, you know." I replied laughing, grabbing him by one arm and Iphigenia from the other, dragging him, along with us, still laughing.

A couple of hours later...

We had just arrived in Athens and we were ready to rent a car in order to go to Delphi where Alexa's house was. I had to admit I had missed that place. And Alexa's meals even more. But, I couldn't help but think about Elena and the others in Mystic Falls. The last time we spoke, I didn't say much about my research for my father. I just told her that I would tell them everything when I was ready. She on the other hand was desperately trying to locate Stefan who by the way left town with big, bad Klaus who made him turn into a ripper and kill everyone that stood on their way. Too bad. I liked Stefan. He was a nice and caring guy and he really loved Elena. But, he loved his brother too, so he decided to give himself to Klaus in return for his blood which was apparently the cure to the werewolf bite. So, yes Damon was bitten by Tyler who was turned because it was a full moon, trying to save Caroline and healed by Klaus's blood. I didn't understand his part on Elena's research.

Without realizing it, we had already arrived. "Are you ready for this?" Alexander asked me, once we were at the front door.

"It's now or never." I said knocking the door.

It was Alexa who opened the door. She greeted us with a huge hug and smile, informing me that my Granny was at the backyard. I thanked her and headed there. Once I saw here, I realized how much I had missed her. But, then that disappeared. Memories of my childhood came flooding back. The thousand times I spent crying for not having a normal family, believing I had killed my mother and that my father didn't love me for that, that's why he abandoned me too. All the moments, I tried to learn about him, even though he might have never cared about me, and all these times I would hit a brick wall. She might have wanted to protect me from learning the truth, but now I was ready. She had no right to lie to me all these years. I would forgive her, because she thought she was protecting me. But, enough with all these lies. I needed some answers.

I had frozen outside the backyard door and it didn't take long for my Granny to see me there. She ran to welcome me, but seeing my expression she stopped in front of me, looking at me with worry.

"We need to talk. Now!"

Author's Note: A tiny cliffhanger... Or not... You decide....

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