Chapter 128

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I was waiting outside the house, when Elijah and Hayley showed up. I had already loaded my things to Klaus's car and waited for Hayley to come. I was trying to figure out a way to confront Hayley's outburst, but when she finally arrived with Elijah, nothing happened. Probably Elijah convinced her not to make a song and dance about it. They greeted me and headed inside, but I stopped them.

"You've better stay here." I said to Hayley.

"Why?" She asked confused.

"You'll see."

She didn't say anything else and instead sat beside me on the porch. I was surprised by the lack of disobedience. When Elijah entered the house, Hayley turned to me.

"Why did you say to stay here?"

"I sense some Mikaelson family drama. Trust me when I say to you that it's better to be as far away as possible." She nodded and said nothing after that.

I focused my attention on what was going on upstairs. I was dying for more details about how exactly Klaus took control of the French Quarter.

"Elijah is home. There is only one dagger. Which one of us will you be punishing today?" Rebekah said. I cursed quietly. If Klaus took into consideration my pleading, then Rebekah would be daggered. I'm sorry sister.

"I decided to play a game of eeny, meeny, miny, moe." Klaus replied. "You betrayed me! My own sister!"

"Niklaus, don't you dare!" Elijah said entering the room, as I presumed.

"Perhaps it should be you, brother. Stealing my child away with every moment of tenderness you show to Hayley."

"This had nothing to do with Hayley." Elijah replied.

"It has everything to do with her!" Klaus shouted. For the first time after a while I pitied Klaus. "She's adored you since she arrived and now my child, my blood will grow up to call you father!" I could hear the hurt in his voice.

"Is that what this is?" Rebekah said. "You are once again worried that you'll be left behind? Has history taught you nothing? We don't abandon you Nik, you drive us away!" She continued.

"Is that so?" Klaus replied. He was hurt and that now was more obvious than ever. "What have I done lately other than cooperate? Bow down to you, brother, to make up for daggering you, for the greater good of our plan to reclaim our home. Look the other way, sister, while you repeat the same cycle with Marcel, falling again for a man you shouldn't be with, while he controls the empire that we built that he took!" There was a pause after that.

"What's going on?" Hayley asked.

"Trust me, it's best to stay away from the Mikaelson family drama."

"But, it's not for you?" I smiled.

"I have been involved in that drama, more than you can imagine. I'm used to it."

Klaus started talking after I had finished my sentence. "Now, I make no excuses for past sins, but in the one moment when you two could have chosen to stand by me, to believe in me, to believe that my intentions for my own child were pure, you chose to stand against me, to side with my enemies." Klaus made a few steps towards somebody and I was sure that a daggering would follow. "I wanted our home back. Now I have it. So, I'm going to live there and the two of you, you can stay here together and rot."

No daggering. That was an improvement. Hayley noticed my surprised expression and she asked me about it, but I refused to tell her anything once more. Klaus got out of the house, closing the door with force behind him.

"You are coming with me, little wolf."

"Why would I go anywhere with you?" She asked not moving an inch.

"Because, Hayley, this child you are carrying is the only thing on this earth that matters to me. Now you can fight me on this, but you will lose." He said and turned to the car. Hayley looked at me.

"You should have thought that, before sleeping with him." I replied to her look. She rolled her eyes.

"As well as anyone else who tries to stop you getting in this car." Klaus continued opening the door of his car.

Hayley looked around her, seeing if anyone would react. I shook my head to her negatively and she realized that she had no option. I stood up and followed her.

Here we go again.

Author's Note: Hello guys!!!! I'm back!!! Exams are finally over! Now, we return to the regular updating frequence, that is every two days. I know it's a small chapter, I'm sorry about that! I promise I'll update tomorrow! Love you all!!!!

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