Chapter 16

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It was 7:30 a

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It was 7:30 a.m. and our suitcases were already in the car. Unfortunately, we had to leave so early... I wanted to sleep a bit more. I sent an e-mail to Bonnie, Elena and Caroline, as soon as I woke up, saying that I was leaving Mystic Falls, without mentioning of course where I was going. I knew I would have some serious explaining to do when I would come back. But, the fact is I was going to miss them. A lot.

Granny got into the car waiting for me to follow her. But, I couldn't. It was so difficult. Never before in my life had I left Mystic Falls and neither did I imagine I would. I had a life here. My friends, my school, everything. And when I found who I really was a few hours ago, I didn't know leaving would be so hard. Sighing I took a last glance of our house, mentally saying goodbye, at least for the time being and got into the car.

"I know honey this is very hard for you, but it's for your own good."

"I know Granny." She gave me a warm smile and started the engine.

Goodbye Mystic Falls...

Bonnie's P.O.V.

I woke up very early this morning. I didn't know why, but it's certainly strange, as I'm a total sleepyhead. I look at the clock on the wall and I saw it was only 7:15. What the hell??? I lay down again in my bed trying to find my sleep again. Soon enough I realized it didn't worth trying, there was no way I was going to sleep again. I stood up and walked to the bathroom to wash my face. Something deep inside of me indicated that something was completely going wrong. What could be wrong at 7:30 in the morning, except of course my inability to sleep? I lay in my bed again, but I don't know this stupid instinct of mine kept telling me I should do something. I looked around my room and my gaze stopped at my desk where my laptop was on. I sighed and took the laptop, turning it on.

As soon as, I was connected on the internet, I immediately went to check my e-mail account. I had a few days to check it out, although most of the time nothing important would be send. What was this urge to check my e-mails so early in the morning that couldn't let me even sleep? I logged in and waited for the page to load. Who could have sent an e-mail at this time anyway? I sighed, something was seriously wrong with me. Especially after the incident yesterday... I was currently at my Grams' house.

The stupid page was loading really slowly, as the internet connection was slow too, aggravating me. I should tell Cassie about what happened. When she had talked to me right after, I didn't even paid attention to what she had said. I felt awful. I should also tell her that I'm a witch. Maybe I should tell Elena too. But, Caroline, definitely not. She never pays attention to what I say, she never listens, and she never cares.

Finally, the page loaded. There were a few stupid adverting messages and the most recent was from Cassie. It was sent at 7:15 this morning. Maybe it was that witchy-thing of mine again. But, why Cassie would get up so early to send me an e-mail? She was as much sleepyhead as I was. Maybe more. I opened the file starting getting really worried. When the file opened I was astonished by its content.

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