Chapter 84

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I woke up next to Caroline. I had stayed over the night to make sure she was alright.

"What's that?" I asked her when I saw her holding a black leather box with a white ribbon around it.

"It's from Klaus..." She said in disbelief.

"Won't you open it?" She did as I said. She opened the little box revealing an amazing diamond bracelet. "Sparkling." I commented and I lay again turning my back to it and her. I heard her chuckling.

"I have to go. Leave whenever you want." She said.

"Ok..." I murmured. I waited for her to leave. Then, I got up. I had to figure out a way to keep Elijah and the other daggered Originals safe. What should I do? I wondered. Finding out the location of the coffins would be a good idea. But, what if Stefan was there? I couldn't count anymore on the curses. He was willing to do everything to destroy Klaus. I decided to go for it. I would know if he was there, wouldn't I?

I put my clothes on and exited Caroline's house. It was chilly out there, but not in an unpleasant way. I brought Bonnie's vision in my mind. The coffins where in an old dusty house. Great! I took a deep breath and focused more on my instinct. Again, my feet led me to where I aimed to go. I was out of town, in the forest. Soon, I came across an old burned mansion. I knew I was there. I stopped trying to find out if Stefan was there. I didn't feel threatened. I decided to go for it.

I got into the mansion and headed to the basement. Descending the stairs, on my right there was a large empty space where the coffins were in Bonnie's vision. And then I heard whispers. A lot of whispers. Dead witches, I concluded. I took a step forward.

"I know that the coffins are here. If there isn't an imminent threat, please reveal them to me. My soulmate is in one of them." I said out loud.

There was silence at first. And then four coffins were revealed in front of me. I headed to the left one and I opened it. The image I saw made my heart hurt.

"Elijah..." I whispered touching his face.

The sensation was pretty familiar to me. Only this time he wouldn't wake up suddenly. My eyes went to the dagger that was invaded in his heart. I felt pain in mine too. Why should I be connected this way with you, Elijah? I asked not waiting for an answer, of course.

Suddenly, I sensed another presence in the building. The same minute, I knew it wouldn't cause any trouble. I gave no attention to it and I continued looking at Elijah. I wanted so badly to take this dagger out of his chest.

"You shouldn't be here." I heard from behind me.

"I know." I replied simply.

"How did you know that the coffins were here?"

"I'm a fortune-teller, remember?" I said turning my back to face Damon.

"Stefan will kill you, if he finds out."

"I don't care." I replied calmly. He remained silent for a bit. Then he asked me a question, I didn't expect to hear, especially from him.

"Do you miss him?" It took me a while to respond.

"I miss the feeling of my heart being dagger-free."

"So, you miss him."

"What's the point of this conversation again, Damon?" He came closer.

"I won't tell Stefan."

"Thank you." I replied. Having one last look at Elijah, I closed the coffin and turned my back, leaving this place behind me.

A few days later...

I heard a knock on my door. I opened it only to face Damon.

"Come on, we have work to do." He said.

"What are you talking about?"

"The witch house is no longer a safe place. I got a warning text from Bonnie. Let's go."

"Just one moment..." I said looking for my shoes. When I found them, I put them on and rush to follow Damon.

"So, what's the plan?"

"Then plan is we remove the coffins to the Lockwood cave."

"Where a vampire can't get in..." I realized.


"But, it is too far from the witch house. How are we supposed to carry four coffins that far?"

"That's why I will carry the locked one."

"And remind me again, what's my part in the plan?"

"You delay Klaus in case he is there before us."

"Right." I said, having a hard time following his fast pace.

In a few minutes, we were there. I had visited this place, a few more times, always when I sensed Stefan was absent. Damon took the large coffin and put it on his shoulder. I went again over Elijah's coffin.

"Sorry to interrupt, but you are supposed to have my back." He remained silent waiting for me to reply. Instead, I opened Elijah's coffin. "What are you doing?" He asked curious.

"I'm living Klaus a parting gift." I said and with determination, I got a good hold on the dagger and taking a breath, I pulled it out.

Immediately, I felt a relief in my heart and I knew he felt the safe. "Oh, come on. Don't pretend that this has nothing to do with you." Damon commented ironically.

"Well, myself wasn't my motivation, but it's an extra bonus." I replied, closing the coffin waiting for Elijah to wake up.

See you later.

Author's Note: So the moment you all have been waiting for has finally come!!!! Elijah is back!!! Or will be for that matter... Who is excited??? I definitely am! The good part has just begun!!!! Make sure to tell me what you think in the comments. Love you all and until next time take care of yourselves!!!

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