#Bonus Chapter - Part 4

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The next day, Klaus showed up along with Hope who was so excited to see her little cousin again. I left my goddaughter alone with my son in the living room, as Klaus and I sat in the kitchen, coffee in hand, watching the two of them from a safe distance.

"You know, for a person that has lived so many years, I find it hard to believe how time passed by so quickly. It feels like yesterday, when I first held you in my arms, as a newborn. And now... You are all grown up... A mother... Soon a wife... An amazing woman... I wonder if the same thing will happen with Hope." He said the last part looking at her. I smiled.

"Personally, I feel sorry for the man that will have the guts to love Klaus Mikaelson's one and only daughter." I replied cracking a smile. He laughed.

"Yes, you are probably right."

"Don't be too harsh with him though. You don't want to make her angry."

"I'd rather make her angry than see someone hurt her." He said, tightening his grip on the mug.

"Klaus, chill. Everything is part of life. Love, getting hurt, love again... You can't take that away from her. And I know you love her and that it would kill you to see her turn her back on you. So, chill... It's too early anyway..."

A frown had appeared on his face, which made me roll my eyes. Klaus was getting angry even at the thought of some male approaching his daughter.

"Elijah is out again?" He asked changing the subject. He was getting uncomfortable. I could see it by the red on his cheeks.

"Yeah, to this mystery business of his. He still has told me nothing."

"Oh, you will find out eventually." He replied shrugging.

"You know what it is?"

"Of course I do."

"Why do you know and I don't?"

"Because I'm his brother."

"And I'm his fiancée. How is this relevant?" He laughed at my reaction.

"Trust him on that."

"Do I have an option?" I asked taking a sip of my coffee.

"I guess you don't." We remained silent for a bit.

"You know Klaus, there is something I wanted to ask you..."

"Go on." He urged me.

"Would you like to walk me down the aisle?"

His expression revealed nothing but surprise. His eyes were as wide as they could get and his mouth was open. He remained silent for a few moments staring at me with both surprise and confusion.

"It's ok, if you don't want to, I can-" He cut me off, by taking my hands in his.

"It would be my honour." A smile spreaded on my face.

"Thank you."

"No, it should be me thanking you. After what I did to you, I definitely didn't expect that. But for me, your father would be here to walk you down the aisle. I find it a little offending to take his place."

"Klaus, you are like a big brother to me. I know what you did. And I also know that you've changed and that you've regretted. I won't hold a grudge on you for the rest of my life. You've looked out for me. You've protected me. I don't see why you should not be the one to walk me down the aisle."

"Thank you." He said kissing my hand.

"You are welcome."

The same evening I was whining again to Elijah about not letting me know about his project. He listened to me with patience, rolling his eyes occasionally.

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