Chapter 9

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I was in a hospital. The smell of illness and disinfectant burned my nostrils, while my throat was gasping for water. But, I didn't open my eyes. I didn't want to. I wanted so much all these terrible things to be just a pack of lies, a bad joke, even a dream, although I wasn't sure if that would be good. But, they weren't. Tanner was dead and a dream or obsession of mine or call it in any way you want, came true. AGAIN!!! A part of me wanted to scream until I couldn't breathe anymore and the other to learn about it. What am I? What was happening to me?

"Honey..." I heard my Granny's soft voice calling me.

I slowly opened my eyes to face a female figure with black circles under her eyes, filled with love and worry.

"Are you ok?" I nodded.

Physically yes. Mentally on the other hand not so much.

"There is no need to talk. You shouldn't tire yourself. I have good news. You will be discharged from hospital, as soon as the doctors are sure you don't have something serious."

"What time is it?" I asked her in a low voice.

"It's almost midnight. But, as I said before, you shouldn't tire yourself by talking."

"You and I need to have a talk." I stated in the same tone looking her straight in the eyes.

"Ok, honey, anything you want."

I was allowed to leave about an hour later. Charlotte was staying a bit longer as she had a very strong shock. She couldn't respond to anything the doctors or her parents said to her. When I visited her before leaving, she showed some signs of reaction, so it was decided it was better to be at home with her family and me talking to her as much I could. After returning home, I wasn't in a mood for talking, so I decided to put off the conversation with Granny. I fell on my bed like a dead body.

The nightmares were even worse this time. I lived the scene over and over again. I'm sure I was screaming, but I didn't want to stop. There were too much to put up with. I couldn't handle it. Finally, my torturing ended at 9 o' clock in the morning. More tired than ever, I forced my legs to move all the way to the bathroom.

I opened the hot water and sat in the bath. The hot water calmed me a little, but it wasn't enough to completely relax me. Images of last night were passing through my mind, seeming unreal. I couldn't believe Tanner was dead, I had seen it in some way and I said some really bad things about him, while he was lying dead a few feet away.
I decided to close the water, as it couldn't do more to my muscles. I wore my pajamas and headed downstairs, as I wasn't in the mood of going to school.

"Good morning, honey. Are you ok?" My Granny greeted me with a smile.

"No." I answered in a steady voice.

"I see. Do you want to eat something?"

"Just a glass of milk."

"Please eat something. You can't leave your stomach empty."

"I said I only want a glass of milk."

"As you wish. Charlotte called. She said she wanted to talk to you."

"I'll call her later. Granny, may I ask you something?"

"Yes, honey, anything."

"What time is Tanner's funeral?" She stared at me for a little, before she answered my question.

"At noon." I didn't say anything else.

I drank my milk slowly and then headed to the phone to call Charlotte. She answered it immediately.

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