Chapter 124

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I was running through the woods, following my instinct and my nose in order to find Hayley. Elijah was following me, while Klaus had disappeared to go kill Tyler. I suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Elijah asked coming besides me.

"She is right there." I said pointing at some trees. "Go find her." I continued, turning around and ready to leave.

"Won't you come?" I scoffed.

"I'm sure Hayley would be much happier to see your face than mine." He sighed.

"Cassandra, about what Klaus said-" I cut him off by raising my hand.

"You don't owe me an explanation, Elijah. You are a free man. Besides, I'm not part of your life for a quite while now."


"What don't you get Elijah? I don't care!" And with that I turned around and headed to where Klaus and Tyler were.

I wanted to stop Klaus before he killed Tyler. Despite everything, Tyler was still my friend. I didn't want him to die. Thanks to my super hearing, I could hear their 'fight screams' from miles away. Men! I thought rolling my eyes. It appeared I had arrived just in time, because Klaus had cornered Tyler against a tree and his hand was already in his chest, grabbing his heart.

"Klaus!" I said gaining their attention.

"Cassie?" Tyler questioned surprised.

"Hello to you too, Tyler. I'm sorry we meet again under these circumstances." Klaus tightened his grip of Tyler's heart. "Klaus, leave him." I demanded in a calm voice.

"Why should I? He went after a pregnant girl. He went after my child. It's not my intention to leave him get away with it!"

"He is angry and he is not thinking straight. I said, leave him!"

"Why should I leave him?" He asked again.

"Because I'm asking you to." I replied calmly.

"And what if he attacks Hayley again?"

"Then I'll kill him myself." I said honestly. He turned to look at me for a moment. Then, abruptly, he removed his hand from Tyler chest.

"Death offers more peace than you deserve. It's better to let you live and each morning you will wake knowing that your pathetic existence continues only by my will. Now go and live the rest of your days knowing you are NOTHING to me." Klaus said turning to Tyler again. I rolled my eyes.

"Is it necessary to be such a drama queen?" I asked earning a smile from Klaus.

"You know I can't help it." He said and disappeared in the back.

Tyler kneeled on the ground. "I'm sorry about your mother." He laughed. It was a paranoid laugh. A laugh of a man that had lost everything.

"You know, Cassie, I never imagined you would be one of his followers. Pretty humiliating, huh? I wonder what Elena and Caroline will say when they learn that you have involved yourself with the Original family again."

"Firstly, I'm not following Klaus. I have simply given an oath to protect his unborn child. And secondly, you won't tell a thing about what happened here to the girls."

"Why not?"

"Because I just saved your ass and you owe to me."

"I don't owe you anything! I have nothing left! He killed my mother! The old Cassie wouldn't stand up for a killer!" He spat at me.

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