Chapter 65

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She looked at me, wide-eyed from horror. Or at least it seemed so.

"What did you say?" She managed to utter after a couple of minutes.

"Arianna. She is one of the members of The Council. I thought you knew her." Shock and horror was everything I could recognize on her face. "Granny? Is something wrong?" I asked her, starting worrying too.

Out of the blue, she grabbed me from my shoulders harshly, almost hurting me. "Why did you do such a thing?" I was shocked by her tone.

"A woman in Sparta told us that they would tell us what happened to our fathers. We had no other choice but to visit them. No one was willing to tell us the truth." And then as suddenly as she grabbed me, she released me. "Is something wrong?" I asked again.

"I thought I could protect you, but now it's too late..." She said to herself.

"Granny, what's going on? You are freaking me out you know!!!"

She turned to look at me, desperation obvious in her eyes. "At first when your parents died, it was known that you were the last prophetess. Arianna is in charge, in a way, of The Council, although it seems the decisions are taken from all of them. So, she suggested that you grow up along with them. They wanted to protect you. But, I wanted you to have a normal life where you could grow up and be who you truly wanted to, not someone others wanted. I also wanted you to know nothing about the supernatural side of this world, but I was unable to hide this from you considering the circumstances. I wanted you to be away from all of these. But, I guess we do not always get what we want. This woman will go to any lengths in order to get what she wants."

"Well, she made that pretty clear."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that she threatened to kill everyone I've ever loved if I don't have children in order to pass down our legacy."

"Oh my God! And what did you do?"

"Well, I told her that if anything ever happened to anyone, she would face the consequences."

"That is?"

"I've already told you enough. I love you Granny, but this is about my life. I decide for it from now on. And please respect that." I said standing up.

"I brought you up wanting you to become a brave, independent woman. It seems I've done good work." She smiled and I couldn't help but mimic her. "Come on, let's get inside. Alexa must have made an amazing meal." I laughed and we walked inside embraced.

A couple of hours later...

I was sitting on the rocking chair near the window in my room, reading a book I had found at a small bookcase when somebody knocked the door.

"Come in." I said setting the book aside.

"Hi!" Alexander and Iphigenia said coming in with a bowl full of homemade chocolate biscuits, specially made by Alexa.

"Oh my God! I love you guys!!!" I exclaimed and immediately started eating. They laughed. But, suddenly, they became serious again.

"I sense there is something serious going on. Come one. Drop it."

"Actually, it came to our attention that Christa told you some pretty important things today and we were wondering whether you needed someone to talk to."

I put my biscuit down slowly, giving time to myself to answer. It was really hard for me to hear the truth. I never regretted for demanding it, though. And I didn't know how I was going to repeat it again. And then, looking at them, I realized I could trust them. Because they would always be at my side, always supporting me. It wasn't hard to tell them what I had learnt about my past after that. They listened to me carefully. Once, I finished they remained silent for a bit. Then, Iphigenia came by my side and hugged me.

"We will always be here for you." Alexander said.

And I knew this was true.

Author's Note: I'd like to take this opportunity and thank you guys all for your support, for your amazing comments and for reading my story! Foreseen has reached 7698 reads and 581 votes!!! I could never imagine that!!! So, I finished writing Foreseen six months ago and I thought this would be the last time I would be in Cassandra and Elijah's world. But, apparently I was wrong. Some of your comments gave me an idea which I'm working on since yesterday. It's something extra special, but unfortuantely you'll only get to see it when the story is over. Yeah, sorry about that... I hope you have the patience to stick with me until the end! Thank you again my dear readers!!!! :D

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