Chapter 4

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When, I woke up, the sun had just risen. "What a night!" I murmured to myself. Well, I need to cut off the science fiction –books and movies as well. I took a shower and prepared myself for the second day of the school year.

I was about to leave when my Granny stopped me at the door.

"Wait, Cassandra!" She knows that I don't like to be called like that. But, she will not change it.

"What is it, Granny?"

"Come and see." I got closer to the television.

I was holding a glass of water and when I saw what I saw it fell and broke into tiny pieces. On the screen were the faces of two missing people. The girl and the boy I had seen last night, in my dream.

"Honey, are you ok?"

"Yes, Granny, I'm fine." That couldn't be possible.

"Did you know them?"


"You seem very upset."

"How do you expect me to feel, when two young people are missing?"

"Yes, you're right. So, staying out late at night is over."

"Oh come on, Granny! Besides, they weren't even close to town when the disappeared!"

"How to you know that?" Good question.

"I guessed so."I said and left, before she could start asking more questions.

What am I going to do? That's what I was thinking about while I was going to school. Well, we have the scene I saw when I touched Stefan, the nightmare and I don't know about the good dream. Not to mention the other strange dreams I had in the past few months. Oh!!!! I'm so confused!!! I want to talk to somebody, but I'm afraid that they'll think I'm completely insane.

I met Bonnie, Elena and Caroline at the parking lot who were worried and asked me if I was ok. I answered "I'm fine." as always. First period ; the stupid history teacher. I hate him. I didn't pay attention when Mr. I-know-everything asked me something.

"Excuse me, could you repeat the question?"

"You haven't heard it? Ms. Gold, you never pay attention to my lesson, what do you expect me to do? Well, it's time to have a little talk with your grandmother."

What an asshole! He kept looking at me and made the same question to Bonnie, Matt and Elena who didn't know the answer. Finally, Stefan was the one to answer it correctly.

I had hit the roof, so I raised my hand to ask permission to speak. That man was driving me crazy.

"Yes, Ms. Gold? You have something to add?"

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