#Bonus Chapter - Part 5

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With great regret we pulled apart from each other, facing the standing crowd. Their enthusiasm only brought smiles onto our faces and we slowly made our way down the aisle, to the tables that were set up a little further. Immediately, we were hit by a flood of rice and rose petals. I swear I had never felt happier in my entire life, apart from the birth of my son, of course. We went to stand by the large table in the centre, where the wedding cake was. Venus handed me Hector, who was about five months old and I felt him relax. Elijah smiled at the lovely picture and placed a kiss on my forehead and on our son's. He handed me the large knife and I took it in my right hand, while I was holding Hector with my left and he placed his right hand on mine. We cut a piece of the cake and Elijah placed it on a plate. With a small spoon, he offered me a bite, but Hector being such a curious little monster, wanted to examine it at close. I was barely able to hold him back.

 I was barely able to hold him back

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"That's for mommy, sweetheart. Not for you. You are too young."

Still because of his curiousness, he kept trying to get hold of the spoon. Laughter was heard from the people around and soon Elijah and I followed. In the end, I managed to eat my part of the cake, I did the same for Elijah. Next it was time for me to throw the bouquet. I really hoped that Rebekah wouldn't kill anyone to get it.

"Are you ready?" I asked seeing all my friends gathered behind me.

"Yes!" They all exclaimed in unison.

"Ok." I said turning my back to them and with all my force, I threw the bouquet backwards.

Cheers were heard and I turned around, happy to see Venus holding the bouquet proudly. I was a little thankful that the bouquet ended up in her hands and not Caroline's, because then we would have a problem. After we took our seats and the dinner was served, Elijah stood up to make a toast.

"I'd like to thank you all, on behalf of my wife and myself, for being here today, to celebrate with us this special occasion. I know that for many of you, for a long time I was the enemy. Although, it doesn't make up for anything I've done, I'd like to apologize to each and every one of you that I have wronged and to promise you that I'll do my best to become a better man for my wife and child. I might be over a thousand years old, but the wisdom those years should have provided me is not always the advisor behind every decision of mine. And that led me to make the gravest mistake of my life; leaving you my love." He said the last part turning his gaze on me. "You are the one that I owe the greatest apology. I'm sorry for all the pain that I have caused you and I'm sorry for being such an idiot and not accept what we had from the very beginning. I consider myself the luckiest man alive that after everything we've been through, after everything I've put you through, you are still here. You are still by my side. I'll spend every day of my life trying to prove to you that I'm worthy of your love. I love you, Cassandra. I always will." He said kissing my hand in the end. A small smile spreaded on my face. "Cheers!" He finished, raising his glass of champagne and soon everyone mimicked him.

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