Chapter 143

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Hayley's P.O.V.

I was holding my little girl in my arms. She was sleeping peacefully after everything she had been through on her first day in this world. I still thought it was a miracle she was still with us. The witches had come very close to killing her. The moment when that bitch Monique sank the knife in her small chest... I thought my world was crushing down. But for a reason, she survived. She was still alive in my arms. I was the happiest and the saddest person in the world. I was happy because I was able to hold my daughter in my arms, after everything we had gone through before she was even born and sad because I could not keep my promise to her. That she would grow up in a safe home, unlike me.

A lot of thoughts came and went from my mind, until I felt somebody else's presence in the room. I lifted my head only to see Elijah and Klaus standing in the doorway. I smiled to them and then turned my attention to my little girl who had woken up. Once she realized she was in her mother's arms she flashed me an adorable smile.

"How is she?" Elijah asked.

"She is fine. Probably her vampire blood healed her after the stab." I said raising my head again to face them. They were exchanging looks. "What's wrong?" I asked suddenly concerned.

"Hayley, when Monique stabbed her, she..." Elijah started, but seemed unable to continue.

"She stabbed her right through her heart." Klaus finished Elijah's sentence. My eyes widened. "Although she is part vampire, she is still a baby. She wouldn't have survived that."

"Then how did she survive?" I asked barely keeping myself from yelling. I didn't want to scare her more.

They exchanged looks again. "We don't know." Elijah replied.

"It's a miracle then." I concluded, but Klaus shook his head in denial.

"There is no such thing as miracles. And there is only one person that can tell us what really happened." I waited for him to continue and so did Elijah. He didn't know either who was the person he was talking about. "Cassandra." That single name made my temper immediately to rise. I couldn't contain my yelling anymore.

"Are you kidding me?" The baby started trembling. She had stopped smiling. "That bitch that left me there to die, that left her supposed protégé to be killed by the witches? I don't want to hear her name again! She betrayed us! If I ever see her again, I'll make sure to cut her throat as the witches did to me!" I finished breathless. I meant every word I had said.

"Brother, I'm afraid, I'll have to agree with Hayley. I still cannot believe how the Cassandra I knew would leave an innocent baby to suffer a terrible death." Klaus sighed.

"Let's not condemn her, before we talk to her. As I have already explained to Elijah, Cassandra's obligation towards the child was over the minute the baby was born. After that, she is free to live her life, the way she wants, without any interventions from us. We have done already enough to her. Let's not make that pile even higher." Klaus said the last part glaring at Elijah. But his words didn't convince me. I still thought Cassandra as a traitor and I would treat her accordingly. "I'll go find her." Klaus declared and turned to leave, but Elijah stopped him.

"If what you are saying is true, brother, she might have already left town." Klaus shook his head.

"She has not. Don't ask me how I know that, but believe me. She is still here. And I'm going to find her. No matter how long it takes. I'll find her even if it means searching the whole city." He said and exited the room.

Elijah and I stared at each other for a little while without saying a single word. The baby in my arms started shifting and in the end she started crying. I did my best to calm her down, but she just couldn't.

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