Chapter 140

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Cassie's P.O.V.

I had been a while since the last time I came in the French Quarter. I was hoping that I wouldn't be near this area any time soon, but I was again wrong. After my fight with Elijah things had been difficult. The last thing I needed right now was to bump into him. Which was inevitable, because I was escorting Hayley to somebody's funeral and I was 100% sure Elijah would be there too. And this time I was not wrong. When we entered the bar where the priest's wake was taking place, I was utterly shocked. People were dancing, literally, around a dead man's coffin. I turned to Hayley who seemed as astonished as me. She looked around the room and her gaze stopped on a woman. She seemed familiar.

"Do you know her?" I asked her.

"Yes. I'll explain later." She said, before heading to the table where Klaus and Elijah were sitting. That wouldn't be awkward at all.

"Scooch." I ordered Klaus and he obeyed, while Hayley sat next to Elijah. We ignored each other.

"I will warn you Hayley, Niklaus is in a spectacularly bad mood today." Klaus replied something very inappropriate, which made me crack a smile.

"What's the deal with these moonlight rings? Oliver is trying to set a revolution every 5 seconds, people are scared, angry and frankly, I'm tired of stalling." Hayley said directly to Klaus.

"It's a day of peace, Hayley. Try to enjoy it. In the mean time, with all our unknown enemies conspiring against our family, you'll move back with us." Klaus stated.

Perfect! I thought ironically, but said nothing. He had a point. Hayley was safer in the compound. My feelings for Elijah should not get in the way.

"Awesome! Then we get to that thing, when you lock me in a tower, I escape, there is drama and all of you realize that I'm very capable of looking after myself." Hayley said making me roll my eyes.

"The rings are in progress. I will live up to my word. We will find and punish whoever launched the attack on the bayou. And you will return to the compound for your safety. But right now, I'm going to finish this bottle and the next, in the hope of drowning the demon that has chosen today to hunt me. Cheers Mikael, impeccable Freudian timing!" Klaus said opening the bottle that was in front of him and drinking the alcohol it contained.

"What?" I asked him, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Elaborate. Have you dreamt of our father?" Elijah said after me.

"Go ahead. Have a good laugh." Klaus replied. I rolled my eyes again.

"I can assure you that there is no piece I find even remotely amusing, Niklaus. Especially considering, I've been dreaming of him too."

For the first time today, I made eye-contact with Elijah. It was a brief moment and we both looked away immediately, which didn't pass by unnoticed by Hayley.

"What?" Klaus said looking at his brother shocked.

"If you are also seeing him..." Elijah trailed off and turned his gaze to the door. The redhead witch I had seen in the witch party had just entered. "Perhaps our illusive, unknown enemy works on a further attack." Klaus turned his gaze to the witch, which made her flash a smile at him. Ew, gross!

"Well, then what better way to punctuate a day of peace then by killing someone?" Klaus said saluting the witch, shaking his hand. I rolled my eyes once again.

Soon they left to terrorize that witch and I was left with Hayley. "Can we go please?" I nodded and stood up. When we were out in the road, she started going to the opposite direction.

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