Chapter 135

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"Cassandra..." Hayley said reluctantly, after Elijah and Marcel had left.

"Yes?" She wanted to ask me something.

"Well, I need a favour." I raised my eyebrow.

"What favour?"

"I found out that Celeste is the witch that put the curse on my people and I want to make her undo it."

"And how do you suggest we accomplish that?" She remained silent. She had a plan, I was sure of it. But, the fact that she wasn't talking meant that I wasn't going to like it. "So?"

"We kidnap her and we take her to the bayou." She said in the end.

"What?" I shouted, standing up from my seat.

"I know it sounds dangerous, but-"

"It does not sound dangerous! It is dangerous! It's just the two of us! How are we supposed to take her to the bayou without having a hex being put on us?"

"We take her off guard and we knock her out." I sighed.

"And if we do not find the right time to do so?"

"We run. It's that simple." I remained silent staring at her. "So, what do you say?" I sighed.

"I'm in. But, please let the knocking out to me. I would be glad to tear her head off, but you need her alive, so... whatever." She smiled and soon afterwards we were out of the sanatorium. "It's chilly tonight. You should have taken a jacket or something." I said to Hayley, while we were hiding behind some bushes.

"Really now?" She said turning her head to glare at me.

"What?" I said raising my hands in surrender.

"What do you think is happening in there?" Hayley asked me.

"Something that I would prefer not to know about. You don't want to see Klaus angry."

"Well, I had a taste."

"That was nothing. Treason is the one thing that makes him so furious. And his father of course. Rebekah hit a nerve..." I said shaking my head, still unable to believe what she had done.

"Do you think he will kill her?"

"I bet he will try. But, I don't think Elijah will let him. Let's hope this does not end too badly." We remained silent after that, waiting for Celeste to show up. "Do you think this will do the work?" I asked Hayley showing her the shovel she picked. "It's not a bad-ass killing or torturing weapon. I hope it will knock her out." I said examining it.

"Speak of the devil." She said pointing to the building.

I followed her glare and I could make out a woman exiting the sanatorium. "Stay here." I ordered Hayley in a low voice. I made a few steps forward trying to keep myself hidden and said I silent prayer not to end up hexed. A few more steps and I was close enough to hit her. She seemed so... relaxed. She either knew I was here and waited for me to make a move or she had no idea at all. I decided to take my chances. With all my forced I hit her with the shovel right on the back of her head. In an instant, she fell unconscious on the ground. Guess, she didn't see me coming.

"Hey, witch-bitch. You and I are gonna have a little chat." Hayley said appearing behind me.

"I must say, I quite enjoyed that!" I admitted. She smiled.

"Let's take her to the bayou."

The next day...

We had tied Celeste on a tree and put a tape on her mouth to prevent her from talking. Hayley and Eve were on top of the situation, while I stayed a bit behind not wanting to involve, unless I had to. Hayley approached Celeste who had just come around and removed the tape from her mouth, gaining a painful expression from her.

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